State Unemployment Insurance (SUI) tax rates
Filing and paying State Unemployment Insurance (SUI) taxes is a big part of the tax service AllianceHCM provides clients. If AllianceHCM receives a tax notice on behalf of a client or is able to proactively identify rate changes, we will automatically make the rate changes. However, there are times when clients receive tax notice rate changes and AllianceHCM is not aware.
Learn about how to access, validate, and request a change to your SUI rates. This is an important part of ensuring your company is operating under the correct tax rates.
What's in this article?
- Accessing the SUI Rates page in AllPay
- How to use the SUI Rates page
- Validate your SUI rates
- Request a SUI rates change
Accessing the SUI Rates Page
The SUI Rates page in AllPay allows customers to:
- Validate all of the SUI rates on file with AllianceHCM
- Request a change to any SUI rates on file with AllianceHCM
Where Do I Access the SUI Rates Page?
Navigate to Configuration, then scroll over Company Setup and select SUI Rates.
How to use the SUI Rates Page
Validate Your SUI Rates
AllianceHCM will do our best to ensure our customers SUI rates are accurate and current, but ultimately, it is the customer's responsibility. On the SUI rates page, we will display all states where we have a SUI tax setup, the current rate and the last date it was updated.
If a rate is marked with a status of “Complete,” this means that a SUI rate change has been made by AllianceHCM within the past year. In most cases, this rate will be the accurate rate. However, we ask that all clients always review the rates we have on file to ensure that they are accurate.
If any SUI rate has not been updated in the past year, the rate will be tagged with a status of “Needs Attention.” AllianceHCM will continue to use the current rate until a change is made. If you know the rate is still accurate, you can let us know by clicking “Approve.”
Request a SUI Rate Change
If you have validated your SUI rates and noticed a mistake or if you have received notice of a SUI rate change from a taxing jurisdiction, you can send AllianceHCM the required documentation to update the SUI rates.
- Click on the Upload Rate Change Document button
- Upload the document that shows the current SUI rate that should be used
- This would typically be a notice from the taxing jurisdiction
- This could also be an image or other document showing proof of the rate change
- Status will change to….
- Our tax team will review the request.
- If approved by our tax team, we will update the rates and change the status to “Complete.”
- If there is a discrepancy with the requested tax change, we will reach out to the contact we have on file to discuss it.
If you have any questions related to SUI rates, please reach out to our Tax team at