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Multiple Programmers working on a single Project (Control and/or DSP) v1.0.00

Purpose & Scope:

On large projects it is often necessary for more than one programmer to work on a single project. This card defines the process surrounding the methods of organizing and archiving the code created by the programming team.

Process Flowchart:



  1. Determination is made by the Engineering Manager that multiple programmers will be supporting the single project.

    1. Primary and supporting programmers are assigned by the Engineering Manager with consensus from the programming team.

    2. Engineering Admin assigns the primary programmer in Netsuite

  2. Primary programmer creates folder in their main folder following established process

  3. Primary programmer creates folders in DSP, Pgm and Cfg for each space. Include each support programmers initials on the space's folders as shown in the example below

    1. image.png

  4. Support programmers work out of their identified folders within the main project folder under the primary programmer's main folder

  5. Once all spaces are completed the primary programmer archives all code following the established process

Related Resources:

L3AV Control Programming Process v1.0.06

L3AV DSP Programming Process v1.0.01

L3AV Handed Over Programming Projects v1.0.02

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