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Full-Time Faculty Handbook - 05. University Policy on Outside Employment of Full-Time Faculty Members

Adopted April 19, 1985


By accepting a full-time appointment in the university, a member of the faculty assumes primary responsibility for the thorough, efficient, and earnest performance of the duties of their office. Assignments to full-time members of the faculty are made on the assumption of full-time service to the university. Full-time faculty members are expected to devote their major energies to teaching, to research or its equivalent, to student counseling and advising, to service on committees of the department, the school, and the university, and, in general, to related activities at the university. This implies a limit on outside activities, especially those that involve the rendering of services for extra compensation. Outside professional interests and employment, whether gainful or not, must not interfere with the faculty member’s primary commitment and obligation to the university.

Teaching Service at Other Institutions

As a matter of university policy, full-time members of the faculty are expected to teach only at the university during the period of their regular teaching assignments. Taking on a regular teaching assignment in another educational institution during this period is therefore discouraged, and any such assignment must be approved in advance by the appropriate dean and by the provost. Teaching during the summer or between the fall and spring semesters (i.e. in January) outside of the university is strongly discouraged; faculty who want to be allowed to take on any such outside assignments and/or employment must obtain prior approval in advance from both their dean or executive dean and the provost.

Other Outside Employment and/or Professional Activities

The university recognizes that a faculty member should be actively engaged in outside professional activities and that such activities are of great value to both the faculty member and the university. However, outside interests or employment, including outside consulting work, undertaken by a full-time faculty member during the period of their regular teaching assignment should be limited to no more than an average commitment of one day per week. In no event, however, should the faculty member

  • Accept a regular and continuing position with significant responsibilities for the management of an outside enterprise
  • Become a regular and continuing employee of any outside organization, either part-time or full-time
  • Accept any outside position that may create a conflict of interest with the faculty member’s position at the university

In addition, all outside activities should be related to the faculty member’s primary obligation and should reinforce their professional standing.

A faculty member has the obligation to inform the relevant chair and dean about the nature and extent of all outside professional activities and continuing commitments. Principal faculty members must obtain permission for such activities, and it is their responsibility to keep chairs and deans up to date in this regard. In addition, the faculty member is expected to obtain permission from the relevant chair and dean before undertaking any significant new outside professional activities or outside continuing commitments.

Responsibility for Adherence to the Policy

Responsibility for the propriety of arrangements in which multiple and possibly conflicting interests exist rests with the full-time faculty member. It is the responsibility of the departmental chairperson and the deans of various colleges to protect the interest of the university in the full-time service of its full-time faculty.

Implementation of the Policy

This policy is meant to establish a minimal standard for the conduct of outside activities by members of the full-time faculty at each of the colleges of the university. Any dean may implement more stringent standards in their college after consultation with and approval by the provost.

Return to the Full-Time Faculty Handbook- Table of Contents.

See also Outside Work Policy.

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