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3. Using Robots to Update Data

Use Robot to Update Data

  1. Introduction

Q-Robot, in addition to adding data, can automatically update target fields in a target application. You can set specific conditions to trigger update nodes, enabling automatic updating of related or similar fields in other forms. This functionality significantly saves time otherwise spent on manually changing field content.

  1. Application Scenarios
  • Automatically update employee information.
  • Update project progress.
  • Refresh product information.
  • Change device status.
  1. Video Introduction

Qrobot Automatically Updates Data | Anffy Help Center

Qrobot facilitates data connection between multiple applications through "data association". It updates nodes through Q-Robot during the application process, for instance, updating a number in another application.

Video Introduction

Qrobot facilitates data connection between multiple applications through "data association". It updates nodes through Q-Robot during the application process, for instance, updating a number in another application.

  1. Node Configuration
  • Select Target App: Choose the application where data needs automatic updating.
  • Add Filter: Implement filter conditions so only data meeting these conditions is updated.
  • Configure Update Rules: Decide how to update the fields in the target application - either with fields from the current application or custom fixed values. After configuration, data meeting the filter conditions in the target app will be updated, with all operations recorded in the process log.

4.1 Filter Condition Configuration Principles:

Sub: Represents the table subfield.

Main: Represents the main form field.

Sub-Main: Target application field selects the form subfield, and the current application field selects the main form field.

Filter Conditions: Support "Master-Master/Master-Custom", "Sub-Master/Sub-Custom", "Master-Sub" types. Only subfields within the same table are supported. "Sub-main/sub-custom" and "main-sub" types cannot coexist.

  1. Update Rule Configuration Principles:
  • Update Rule Configuration Principles
  • General Rule: Any type of filter conditions allows update rules to be set as "Main-Main/Custom".
  • Master-Sub Condition: If the filter condition includes a "Master-Sub" type, the update rule can only be "Master-Main/Custom" or "Master-Sub".
  • Multiple Row Filtering: If multiple rows in the current application table meet the filtering conditions, one of the rows meeting the conditions will be randomly selected for updating in the target application.
  • Sub-Main Condition: With a "sub-main" type in the filter conditions, update rules are limited to "main-main/custom" and "sub-main/custom". Table update types only support [update existing rows].
  • Master-Master Condition: When the filter condition is exclusively "Master-Master", the update rule can be "Master-Master/Custom", "Master-Sub", "Sub-Sub", "Sub-Master/Custom".
  • Table Field Selection: If the target field is a table, updates support two types: [Add new row] and [Overwrite the entire table], but only one type can be used at a time.
  • Add New Row: The current application fields can select main form fields and table subfields.
  • Cover the Entire Table: The current application field supports only table subfields from the same table.
  • Unselected Fields: If the target application field is selected but the current application field is not, the field won't be updated during data updates.
  • Conflicting Conditions and Rules: If filter conditions are changed after setting update rules, and the new conditions conflict with existing update rules, a conflict alert will appear. Saving in this state will cause the conflicting filter rules to be blanked out.

Update Operation

Filter Criteria

Update Rules


Main form fields update main form fields (main updates main)

any type


Customer Management Customer Contact Information Record Table·Customer Attributes→Customer Basic Information Table·Customer Attributes

Form subfield updates main form field (subupdate main)

As long as there is: master-child


Employee Onboarding Asset Requisition Form·Receipt Details Form·Asset Status→Asset Information Management Form·Asset Status

Table subfield update table (sub-update sub-cover the entire table)

Only: Master-Master/Custom


Class Schedule·Course Schedule·Course Arrangement Form→Course Schedule·Course Schedule Form

table subfield update table (subupdate sub-add new row)

Only: Master-Master/Custom


claimed by employees Asset claim form·Acquisition details form·Asset status→Employee personal information form·Acquisition details form

Main form field update table (main update sub-add new row)

Only: Master-Master/Custom


Project Management Receipt Form→Receipt Record·Record Detailed Form

Main form field update table (main update sub-update existing rows)

As long as there is: sub-master/custom


Project Management Project Daily·Project Progress→Project Details-Project List·Progress

  1. Update Operation Types and Cases
  • Main Form Field Updates Main Form Field
    • Case Scenario: In customer management, a "customer pool" (customer basic information table) is maintained alongside a customer contact information record table. Frequently, it's necessary to update customer information through contact records.
  • Form Subfield Updates Main Form Field
    • Case Scenario: When new employees join a company and receive office equipment, an asset information management table is used. The asset requisition details form, which records the equipment requisitioned, triggers an update in the asset information management table, changing the status of the asset from "in-stock" to "requisitioned".
  • Table Subfield Update Table - Covering the Entire Table
    • Case Scenario: In course schedule management, adjustments to an existing schedule may be necessary. A course schedule adjustment table is used to overwrite the data in a course schedule management table.
  • Table Subfield Update Table - Add New Row
    • Case Scenario: In scenarios where employees receive office equipment, the asset requisition details table records the equipment received, and these details need to be added to the asset use details table in the employee's personal information table.
  • Main Form Field Update Table - Add New Row
    • Case Scenario: In project management, a collection record table, using a record details table, keeps track of all collection records of a project. When a new payment is received, it's necessary to add this data to the record details table.
  • Main Form Field Update Table - Update Existing Rows
    • Case Scenario: In project management, a collection record table, using a record details table, keeps track of all collection records of a project. When a new payment is received, it's necessary to add this data to the record details table.
  1. Precautions
  • Q-Robot can handle up to 5,000 entries at a time. Exceeding this limit may cause failure.
  • Avoid writing back numbers/amounts to prevent data inconsistencies.
  • In case of Q-robot execution failures or delays, check the process log or contact your account manager.

1 Add Data Function

  • Created for scenarios requiring overlay updates, such as updating existing data while adding new data not meeting filtering conditions.
  • Basis for adding data: When filtering conditions are met, Q-robot updates the target application; when not met, new data is added.

2 Use Cases

Maintenance Process

  1. Create a "Fruit Price Maintenance Application", matching the "Fruit Price List" field.
  2. Configure Q-robot to automatically update the "Fruit Price List", using "Fruit Name" as the filter and "Unit Price" as the update rule.
  3. Open new data functionality for unmatched data entries.


  • Apples' price was updated to 10 yuan, bananas added at 20 yuan.

Enterprise WeChat Users

  • Note that updating applicant, member, and department fields into text fields is not supported and will result in writing member and department IDs.


Main Form Fields Update Main Form Fields

Scenario: In customer management, a "customer pool" (customer basic information table) is paired with a customer contact information record table. Updating basic customer information via contact records is a common task.

  1. Setup Steps
  • Add Q-Robot Update Node: Configure filter conditions and update rules, selecting "Main-Main/Custom" for both.
  • Achieve Effect: Before and after updating, customer basic information table data is synchronized, demonstrating the core function of Q-Robot in locating and updating data based on multi-level filtering conditions.

Updated customer basic information table:

All data that meets the specified conditions are updated. The core function of Q-Robot involves locating the corresponding data through filtering conditions and updating its content. This process allows for the design of multi-level filtering conditions. For example, using both name and customer number as filtering conditions simultaneously enables the identification of unique data entries. This approach ensures precise targeting and modification of data, making Q-Robot a powerful tool for efficient data management.

Form Subfield Updates Main Form Field

3 Scenario

New employees receiving office equipment. An asset information management table is used to manage equipment. The asset requisition details form records the equipment received. The asset status in the management table needs to be updated from "in-stock" to "requisitioned."

4 Target Application

5 Current Application

6 Setup Steps

7 Configure Filter Conditions


Configure Filter Conditions:

  • Must include a "master-child" match type.
  • If multiple tables are present in the current application, only subfields from one table can be selected.
  • "Main-Main/Custom" match type is also permissible, but "sub-main" or "sub-sub" types are not.

8 Configure Update Rules


  • The update rule's target field should only select the main form field.
  • The current application field can choose from main form fields, custom options, or table subfields, but only those belonging to the same table as in the filter conditions.
  • If multiple rows meet the conditions, the last row will be updated and assigned to the target application.

9 Achieve Effect

Table Subfield Update Table - Covering The Entire Table

10 Use Cases

Course schedule management requiring adjustments. A course schedule adjustment table is used to overwrite the existing course schedule in the management table.

11 Target Application

I mage

12 Current Application

I mage

13 Setup Steps

14 Configure Filter Conditions

I mage

  • Only "Main-Main/Custom" match type can be selected.

15 Configure Update Rules

I mage

I mage

Supports "Master-Master" update type.

Target field must select table fields, and the update rule should be set to [Cover the entire table].

If multiple tables are present, only one table can be chosen for updates.

16 Achieve Effect

Data Before Update:

I mage

Updated Data:

I mage

Table Subfield Update Table - Add New Row

17 Case Scenario

Employees receiving office equipment, with details recorded in the asset requisition table. The equipment details need to be added to the employee's personal information table.

18 Target Application

I mage

19 Current Application

I mage

20 Setup Steps

21 Configure Filter Conditions

I mage

  • Only the match type "Main-Main/Custom" can be selected.

22 Configure Update Rules

I mage

I mage

  • Supports "Main-Main/Custom" update type.
  • Target field should select multiple table fields and set the update rule to [Add New Row].

23 Achieve Effect

Main Form Fields Update Table - Add New Row

24 Use Cases

In project management, a collection record table with a record details table is used to log all collection records. When a new payment is received, a new record is created through the payment receipt. This new data needs to be automatically added to the record details table of the collection record table.

25 Target Application

26 Current Application

27 Setup Steps

28 Configure Filter Conditions

In this scenario, only the match type "Main-Main/Custom" can be selected.

29 Configure Update Rules

Supports selecting "Master-Master" update type.

Target application field should select multiple table fields. When setting table update rules, choose [Add New Row].

If [Add New Row] is selected, only this update type is supported for other table selections.

30 Achieve Effect

Main Form Field Update Table - Update Existing Rows

31 Use Cases
In project management, multiple tasks and their statuses are managed in a task list table. The project leader updates the task status daily in a task daily report form. This status needs to be updated in the task list table.

32 Target Application

I mage

33 Current Application

I mage

34 Setup Steps

35 Configure Filter Conditions

I mage

  • Must include a match type of "sub-master". If multiple tables are in the target application, only subfields from one table can be chosen.
  • Allows "Main-Main/Custom" match type. "Master-Sub" or "Sub-Sub" types are not permitted.

36 Configure Update Rules

I mage

I mage

  • Target application field of update rule supports main form fields and table fields, limited to the table where the table subfield in the filter condition is located.
  • Only [Update existing rows] is supported for table update rules.

37 Achieve Effect

Q-Robot Adds Form Subfields

38 Introduction

Q-Robot can add field data from the current application to table fields in the target application.

39 Usage scenarios

Suitable for project management (task lists synchronized to reports), purchase/sale/inventory (product lists to orders), and customer management (quotation lists to orders).

40 Effect Display

After setup, current table subfield content is automatically added to the target application's table.

41 Setup Steps

42 Function Entrance

Create a new "Q-Robot Add Data" node if the current form contains table fields.
I mage

43 Setting Method

44 Set the adding range

  • Adding Range: Choose [Add all rows] or [Add Partial Rows] with table filter conditions.
  • Adding Rules: Define fields in the current application to be added to the target application form.

45 Things to Note

  • Tables can only be added one-to-one.
  • If a field has both a main field and a table subfield, each added row will include the main field content. If only the main field is present, only one row is added to the target table.

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