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Altering Derivative Settings on an Assignment

IECs and their students can choose to start writing an essay from:

  1. A blank document: We include only the Prompt and word count

  2. Content Plan: We include content plan details tagged to the essay (Content Plan for an assignment can be edited on the assignment card and on the Content Plan page).

  3. Another Assignment: A "derivative essay" is one a student starts writing from another assignment.

IECs and Students can choose how they want to start writing an essay - including making it a derivative essay - on the assignment card. This option only exists for assignments that the student has not yet Started Writing.

Operations Tools

Ops/Support team members can also update the following two settings for any essay:

  • The "Start Writing From" setting

  • If "Start Writing From" is "Assignment", then the parent assignment can be selected

Here's how:

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