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Full-Time Faculty Handbook - 08. University Research Support

Faculty carrying out research at the university (broadly defined to include the full range of research, scholarly and creative practices the university encompasses) must comply with university policies and procedures and (as relevant) external sponsor research policies. Faculty researchers interested in pursuing external funding should be aware that the Office of Research Support (ORS) represents The New School as the institutional official for proposal submission and award acceptance, partnering with researchers, college/school administrators and central administrators in preparing grant and fellowship applications, managing sponsored awards, and in ensuring compliance with federal regulations, sponsor requirements and university policies. Information on university research policies, along with information about research support, funding opportunities, sponsored projects, the proposal process, and related deadlines can be found on the ORS web pages. Information on the Institutional Review Board (IRB) can be found there as well, along with university policies regarding conflicts of interest and research involving human subjects.

Faculty pursuing external funding that, if awarded, would affect their university teaching or service or commit university resources must coordinate with their programs and deans’ offices before applying.

Return to the Full-Time Faculty Handbook - Table of Contents.

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