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L3AV AutoCAD Cable Label Extraction


To provide a list of all used cable labels in a given project so that OPPS does not need to manually enter these labels into the label making software.

Performing the Attribute Extraction

  • Once flow diagrams are completed and reviewed run the attribute extraction command in MASTER Model space in (ATTEXT)


  • Make sure that the “Comma Delimited File (CDF)” option is selected.


  • Click "Select objects" and drag a window around the entire signal flow drawing for which label attributes are being extracted. Press spacebar or Enter.ATTEXT_select.PNG
  • Click the “Template File…” button.
  • In Dropbox, Navigate to the “INTERNAL” folder of the project you are working on and select the “LABEL-EXTRACT-TEMPLATE.txt” file.


  • Click the “Output File…” button.
  • Navigate to the “INTERNAL” folder of the project you are working on and select the “EXTRACTION.txt” file.
    • For drawings with more than 1 signal flow sheet, in the "INTERNAL" folder of the project, right click in the blank space beneath existing documents, select "New" > "Text Document."
    • Give this new document the same name as the signal flow sheet that attributes are being extracted from. (ex: for signal flow sheet TA602 the new .txt should be named TA602.txt)
    • Use this .txt file as the Output File for that signal flow sheet's attributes.


  • When the Output File warning window pops up, click “Yes”.


  • Click the “OK” button on the Attribute Extraction dialog box.
  • Click "OK" on the AutoCAD LT popup that asks if you want to replace the existing EXTRACTION.txt file.


Populating the LABEL-EXTRACTION Document

  1. Navigate to the “INTERNAL” folder in Dropbox and select the first “EXTRACTION.txt” file (or whatever name you gave it) that was just created and open it.
  2. Use the “CTRL+A” keyboard shortcut to select all the contents of the file.
  3. Use the “CTRL+C” keyboard shortcut to copy the selected content.
  4. Navigate to the “CABLE SCHEDULE” sub-folder located within the project folder in Sharepoint. Select the "XXXX-LABEL-EXTRACTION.xlsm” file and open it.
    1. If there aren't any files in the CABLE SCHEDULE folder, then you will need to go and grab the latest copies from here:
    2. Upon opening the XXXX-LABEL-EXTRACTION file you will need to “Enable Content.”
  5. Navigate to "TAB 1" at the bottom of Excel.
  6. Select Column A.
  7. Use the Paste drop down and select “Use Text Import Wizard…”


  1. On step 1 of the import wizard, make sure that the “Delimited” option is selected.


  1. Click the “Next” button in the bottom right.
  2. On Step 2 of the import Wizard, make sure the selections are the same as in the following screenshot.


  1. Click the “Finish” button in the bottom right.
  2. On the Excel warning dialog, click “OK”.
  3. Check the imported data to make sure it looks right. The quotes should no longer be present, leaving only a list of labels. If you have cells highlighted in yellow, then you have duplicate labels present. In most cases you shouldn't have duplicate labels in your drawing, so investigate any duplicates to confirm whether or not you need to make any changes on your signal flows.
  4. Once you have verified the data, press the “CLEAN & SORT” button.
  5. Rename the current tab from the default (TAB 1, TAB 2, etc.) to the corresponding signal flow sheet number. (TA601, TA602, etc.)
    1. If a signal flow sheet represents multiple rooms, then add that to the tab name (TA601 Typ of 3). This ensures that enough labels get printed out for the staging and field techs to use.

Repeat steps 2-15 for each subsequent signal flow sheet. Use a new TAB at the bottom of Excel for each sheet's attribute export.


  • Rename the file from "XXXX..." to the <PROJECT #>-LABEL-EXTRACTION.
  • Save the file.

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