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Campus Safety Overview

The Campus Safety department’s mission is to ensure a safe environment conducive to learning and teaching for The New School’s staff and students. The department’s primary focus is to develop and implement procedures and strategies that will promote a safe, caring, and disciplined climate free of violence, illegal drugs, and fear and to establish partnerships with students, staff, community leaders, and law enforcement agencies who will support the university’s safety agenda.

The Campus Safety department includes Campus Safety and Campus Card Services.

What We Do

Campus Safety

Campus Safety is responsible for the safety and security of all community members, buildings, campus events and operations. In addition, the department:

  • Ensures the safety and security of all campus buildings through stationed security personnel across campus facilities and dormitories, with 24/7 security office coverage
  • Coordinates with local law enforcement to investigate and report incidents and crimes on campus
  • Carries out fire safety procedures
  • Oversees emergency management plans
  • Manages crisis and emergency response training and procedures
  • Maintains the Campus Safety App and New School Alerts system
  • Manages university Lost & Found
  • Controls Building Access

Each year, Campus Safety issues the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report to report on crime statistics within the community and to provide guidelines for emergencies and security-related incidents.

Campus Card Services

Campus Card Services provides ID cards for all members of the New School community. These cards are used for building access, food service and many other support activities at the New School. This team also works to reach out to local vendors to provide discount pricing to our students. CONTACT:

Contact Campus Safety

IN PERSON: 68 Fifth Avenue, mezzanine level (The office is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week) BY PHONE: 646.909.4000

Emergency Phone Numbers

Life-Threatening Emergency: 911
Campus Safety (24 Hour): 212.229.7001
Student Medical Services: 212.229.1671, option 2
Student Counseling Services: 212.229.1671, option 1
Security Director's Office: 212.229.5101

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