View As
🎉New Feature Announcement
View As allows a single user to switch between different profiles using one login.
How will this improve things?
This will save you time - no more logging in and out of different profiles.
No more confusion - just one username and password to remember.
Easier maintenance of your team member’s access to Logixboard.
Better customer experience - you will now be able to view your specific customer’s experience before you give them access to Logixboard.
đź‘€ How is it going to work?
Go to Settings
Click View As from the left side panel
Select which type of user profile you’d like to view
Click Apply
1. I don’t see the Demo User option, where is it?
This means that you don’t have a demo account set up just yet. Please contact your customer success manager to request a demo account or email us at
2. Can I View As a specific customer?
Yes! This is a large reason we built this for you. You will now be able to test what your customer’s experience is when they login to Logixboard.
3. Can I permanently change my user type? For example, I’m an Operator, can I change to a User Admin?
At this time, no. If you need to make these changes, please reach out to your User Admin.
4. Will my customers be able to access this function?
No, this function is only available for you and your employees.
5. I’m an Operator - will I now be able to view as a User Admin?
No - this function will not grant greater access to Logixboard than your original account settings. In the example of an operator, you will be able to view as either an Operator, Customer, or Demo User.
Customers do not have this function.
Demo accounts do not have this function.
6. Can I View As a specific user? For example, I’d like to see what Dane the salesperson’s account looks like.
No, View As is specifically about being able to see a different user type, not a specific person’s private account.
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