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Office Hours 4/13

Meeting Recording
Access Passcode: 9D6gb2*B

00:00 Introduction
01:57 How to get students to show up in your Prompt account
04:01 What a student sees in the Prompt platform
04:50 How to access the Content Modules, how they work, how to access the work students do in these modules, how to turn this information/these outlines into an essay
07:07 How to create outlines in Prompt
07:40 How to utilize the modules with your students
08:40 How to create a custom assignment
11:58 How to incorporate your own brainstorming exercises in the Prompt platform
13:40 Don't leave your students' brainstorming work in the documents you submit to Prompt!!
15:00, 19:50 How to take the information that students generate in the content modules and use them to start essays
22:40 sending outlines to Prompt for review
24:41 Your To-Do Queue as a counselor
27:29 How to access Prompt through CPP
29:35 Activating Prompt in student accounts in CPP
30:49 Are students able to add schools back to their lists after I remove them?
31:30 Can students use the platform without sending me things to review?
33:00 The Mark as Complete button
37:50 The Mark Next Upload as Complete button
41:00 Tutorial videos and getting started for students
44:00 Downloading resumes from Prompt for students who don't have Microsoft Word
50:54 How resumes and activities lists are billed
52:40 Adding the PIQ Activities list to the activities list module (a feature request)
56:03 Adding Essay Review Only Students
56:51 Adding Graduate Students to Prompt
57:38 Scheduling Video Coaching Calls for Premium Members
1:00:02 A specific use-case question for an organization
1:03:05 When will our editor networks be set?
1:09:03 Setting timeline for students to submit a next draft
1:10:47 The student homescreen
1:13:43 What if I'm a brand new user?

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