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Template: Post-Return to Office Health Precautions

We will be observing the following health precautions in every hub office after we return:

Hand sanitizer

There will be hand sanitizer dispensers at every entrance to the office as well as in kitchens, bathrooms, and every desk pod. Use frequently and every time you're returning from outside.

Disinfectant wipes

We'll be providing disinfectant wipes at every desk pod. Please wipe down your workspace before going home.


Masks must be worn at all times except while actively eating/drinking. Disposable masks will be available in every bathroom and kitchen.

communal spaces

Our desks will have plastic dividers between them. In all other communal spaces, follow CDC guidelines on social distancing.

Note: We have intentionally removed 2/3 of chairs from conference rooms in order to limit the number of people who can be in them. Those numbers are clearly displayed both inside and outside of conference rooms, and will also be included in your invite when booking. Do not exceed them.

If you feel unwell

  • If you don't feel well for any reason do not come in. As a culture, we can no longer tolerate the "office flu" going around every year. If you are unwell, stay home and either work remotely OR rest up and do not work. We have a generous Time-Off Policy and we want you to use it.

    • If you are at work and begin to feel ill, inform your supervisor, wipe down your workspace, and GO HOME.


Tl;dr: None for the foreseeable future. See more information in our milestones and visitor & security policies.

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