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Where's My Rate?

Having trouble figuring out where a rate of return is coming from in the report? Follow these steps to find out where its coming from quickly:

Go to Assets > Rate Changes. A quick glance here can tell you whether the rate is driven by asset entries, defaults, or changes modeled in this section for most situations.

  • See 0s in a Rate of Return cell? That means the program uses the defaults in Assumptions > Default Rates for the asset Type. For Equity/Other assets, default returns are split evenly across interest, dividends, capital gains, and appreciation.

  • See values in a Rate of Return cell? That means the program uses a weighted average rate of return based on rates entered at the asset level for that asset Type. Check through the Assets section to make sure your returns are entered as desired. Keep in mind that the program calculates weighted average rates of return for all assets that get pooled together.

  • Just to be sure: select each item in the table, and check Future Changes. If there is a table entry the program will use the entered return based on the first individual's age. Past age entries means the rate applies now.

  • Can't find anything here, and the return changes in retirement? The program is most likely changing to the retirement default. Go to Assumptions > Default Rates and look for the box "Overwrite at Retirement". If that box is checked, the program uses those defaults in retirement, overwriting any previous asset entries.

NOTE: For Retirement Plan assets, the Rate Changes section shows the weighted average rate of return for all combined retirement plans across type and owner. In reality, the program can use different rates of return between types of retirement plans (ie traditional/Roth), between owner, and for separately projected retirement plans. For instance, individual 1's Tax-Deferred Retirement Accounts may use a weighted average rate of return, while individual 2's Roth accounts use the default.

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