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Technologies: Load Reduction

Variable Air Volume ventilation

  1. T. English and A. Barolin, "How to Design a Variable Air Volume Central Hospital Air Handling System (VC-21A-CO51)" ASHRAE Conference / ASHRAE Transactions, 2019.

Retrocommissioning of building controls

  1. ASHRAE Guidebooks, compiled in “Ventilation Designs” (Hermans & Streifel, 1993), FGI Archives (FGI, 2013), ASHRAE Standard 170
  2. Refer to ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guide for Large Hospitals and the recently added column in ASHRAE 170 Table 7.1, 8.1 and 9.1 stating which areas can have unoccupied turndown.
  3. Trane Trace 700 User’s Manual
  4. Advanced Energy Design Guide for Large Hospitals: Achieving 50% Energy Savings Toward a Net-Zero Energy Building, ASHRAE, 2012

Displacement Ventilation

Better Zoning and Unoccupied Mode Strategy

Building Envelope Improvements

Improving Accuracy of Load and Energy Modeling

Technologies: Dehumidification

Desiccant Systems

Dedicated Outdoor Air System (DOAS)

  1. Whole building annual energy end use characterization for a typical office building in a mixed-humid climate.
  2. "Do all DOAS configurations provide the same benefits?", ASHRAE Journal Article, July 2014

Dehumidification using CHW Return Based Reheat

Technologies: If you must have a gas-fired boiler

Condensing Boilers

  1. Typical Condensing Boiler Efficiency Curves
  8. Quantifying Energy Losses in Hot Water Reheat Systems:

Boiler temperature reset (HWTSR)

Right sized boilers

  1. ASHRAE guideline

Stack gas economizer

  1. DeFrees, J.; Stuckey, R.; (Nov, 2007). Condensing Economizers. Ashrae Journal, 16-23. This example is of a condensing unit within a small dairy processing facility. The payback was within 4 years.
  2. This example is a non condensing unit within a 75-bed acute care hospital. Payback was within 2 years
  3. This example is a condensing unit in a non-healthcare facility. The payback was within 4 years.

Technologies: Central Plant

Heat Recovery Chillers / Heat Pumps

Solar Thermal Water Heating

Ground source heat pumps / Geothermal

Local heating systems

Technologies: Domestic Hot Water (DHW)

DHW Heat Pump

Single temp handwashing

  1. Healthcare Facilities Today article from December 2021
  2. Mazzetti blog post, 2021, including link to Academy Journal article
  3. Mazzetti blog post, 2018
  4. CDC guidance for hand hygiene

Waste to Energy

  1. Ronald W. 2010. "Gasification Processes Old and New: A Basic Review of the Major Technologies" Energies 3, no. 2: 216-240.
  2. Gasification Process Basics Source: Breault, Ronald W. 2010. "Gasification Processes Old and New: A Basic Review of the Major Technologies" Energies 3, no. 2: 216-240.

Technologies: Steam

Alternative Steam Generation Methods for Sterilization and Humidification

  1. Solar Heat for Industrial Processes: Technology Brief,

What if we didn’t use steam?


Converting from Steam to Hydronic heating

  1. Monaco, J. D. (2023). Responsible Approach to Decarbonizing in an Existing Building. Engineering Notebook Column, 14-19.

Technologies: Load shifting and Energy Storage

Thermal Storage (HW and CW)

Chilled Water Thermal Storage

Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)


Phase Change Material Energy Storage

  1. esim-2018

Large thermal mass in buildings

  1. Childs, K. W., Courville, G. E., and Bales, E. L.. Thermal mass assessment: an explanation of the mechanisms by which building mass influences heating and cooling energy requirements. United States: N. p., 1983. Web. doi:10.2172/5788833.
  2. 07: SOLAR NZEB PROJECT: THERMAL MASS DESIGN, JOURNAL ARTICLE by ASHRAE, 2011. Ty Newell, Member ASHRAE; and Ben Newell, Associate Member ASHRAE
  3. Brown, M. J. (1990). Optimization of thermal mass in commercial building applications. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 112(4), 273-279. doi:10.1115/1.2929934

Emerging Technologies

Primary / secondary cooling or heating loop

  1. GWPs listed are IPCC AR4 (2007), 100-year GWPs
  2. Low Charge 150g project
  3. EPA snap regulations for R-290

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