How To: Return Data Collection to Client
First, from the PensionPro Home Screen, you will want to search & open the project which contains the Data Collection process you wish to return to the Client
Next, under ‘Views’ you want to click on ‘Data Collection’
In ‘Views’ if you click on a specific tab like ‘Company’ and Unlock that step, then the Client will see that the green checkmark has been removed for that specific step, or scroll down in ‘Views’ and click on ‘Approval’ to keep green checkmarks but still Unlock the Data Collection for a more general return
On the far right, click on the 3 dots that appear and the option ‘Unlock’ will appear on the screen
Click on ‘Unlock’ to continue
It will ask you to confirm, click ‘Yes’ to continue. At the bottom of the screen you will see a box that displays ‘Approval Step unlocked successfully’ for a few seconds to confirm the process. They will not be notified of the unlock, so you will have to do so manually.
In PlanSponsorLink, the Client will now be able to open their Active Task again. The prior information will still be entered, and they can begin adding/editing any information they wish. Once they are finished, they can click ‘Sign and Submit’ and you can now move forward
Once they have successfully submitted, the ‘Approval’ View will automatically lock once again, and the Client will receive an email being thanked for submitting their data