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Micron Custom Room Control Specification use and update process - REQUIRED STEPS TO BE COMPLETED AFTER EACH UPDATE

v1.0.02 Revised 2-7-24


Describes the use and maintenance of the Micron custom Room Control Specification. This card is to be used as a reference tool for the following personnel:

  • Programmers
  • Sales Engineers
  • Build Engineers
  • Field Engineers
  • Project Managers
  • Customer Success Team members
  • Micron UCC support
  • Micron Business Unit owners


The Control Specification includes all Zoom and Crestron features for all custom room types. Not all Custom Rooms will have every feature.

The document is maintained by the Level 3 Programming Team and each new version will be represented by a new version number.

Control Specification Changes:

The process surrounding the maintenance of the control specification is shown and described below


  • L3AV Programming team receives request to modify the Control Specification
  • L3AV Programming member creates a new revision with -DRAFT after the version in the file mane
    • Locate -DRAFT version in the same folder as the current version
      • OneDrive - Level 3 Audio Visual\Programming Repo\01 Micron Info\Control Spec and QRC
    • Updates are outlined in the version history and in the relevant sections of the document.
    • All changes are highlighted in yellow until approved
  • Schedule meeting with UCC team to review changes
    • Invite the programming team,,, and Jeremy Elsesser to the approval meeting
  • Once approved perform the following:
    • Review changes with the entire L3 programming team
    • Un-highlight changed sections
    • Remove the wording -DRAFT from the filename
    • Convert approved document to .pdf
    • Move previous versions to the OLD folders
    • Copy release version of the .pdf to the following locations

Related Resources:


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