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Reach & Frequency

Reach & Frequency (R&F) in the campaign dashboard

Lifetime Reach & Frequency

What is it?

Reach is the number of Unique Impressions received over the flight of the campaigns.

iAN Streaming, iAN Podcast, Extended Pre-roll and Extended Display R&F represent unique individuals reached. Marketplace CTV R&F represents unique households reached.

Product Availability

R&F is not available for the following products: Amazon, iHeartMedia Display, iHeartMedia Video, Youtube, Pinterest, Reddit, Nextdoor, LinkedIn, Broadcast Radio.

*Reach & Frequency are not available in the Company Dashboard.

Daily Reach & Frequency

What is it?

Daily R&F represents unique households reached per day. This is a trend graph of an accumulation of unique reach over time.

Product Availability

Only available for iAN Streaming, iAN Podcast, Marketplace CTV, Extended Pre-roll, Extended Display, iHeartMedia Podcast, iHeartMedia Streaming Audio.

*Reach & Frequency are not available in the Company Dashboard.

iHeartMedia Streaming and Podcast Specific R&F Notes

iHeartMedia Podcast and Streaming Audio Reach is measured by a unique listener in accordance with iAN standards. Unique device ID, user agent, and IP address information from the player, app, or website on which the stream or podcast was played are used to uniquely identify an individual listener.

*Reach and Frequency for iHeartMedia Podcast and Streaming Audio are available for orders that started ON or AFTER June 1, 2023

Xandr Specific R&F Notes

Reach & Frequency metrics are calculated using Log Level Data for Xandr products. This includes Marketplace CTV, Extended Pre-roll, Extended Display, iAN Streaming Audio, iAN Podcast.

Given this behavior, the campaign dashboard is calculating reach differently than the Xandr native platform, which means the frequency is also going to be calculated differently. Currently, reach is calculated in the campaign dashboard by IP address while the Xandr native platform calculates reach by unique devices. This means the campaign dashboard reach will be relatively lower as multiple devices can be bucketed under 1 IP address, resulting in just 1 count of reach. Inversely, this would also mean that Frequency values are higher in the campaign dashboard.

The difference here is that the campaign dashboard is accurately depicting R&F for the whole campaign. This was decided upon so that we can offer a holistic campaign point of view rather than a per line item approach, which is how the ad server approaches it.

To get R&F, first, we calculate an estimated frequency using Log Level Data:

  • Frequency = total impressions with an IP / unique impressions by IP (reach)

Next, we use the calculated frequency to calculate reach so that the reach in the dashboard matches up with the impression numbers in the dashboard and can estimate the actual total reach of the campaign

  • Reach = total records in log level data where there is an impression recorded / frequency

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