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Lookup Tables

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1: Navigating to Lookup Tables

To begin, click on the “Configuration” button located in the System Management section of the Admin Toolbar.image.png

Next, click on Lookup Tables in the drop down list.image.png

Finally, click on Lookup Tables in the new menu that appears.image.png

The Lookup List Editor module will now appear on your screen. To select the list relevant to your situation please click on it in the Select List section of this window.image.png

To add in a new item, please click on the New Item button located in the Lookup List Editor banner. image.png

Please remember to fill out all of the relevant fields. Once you have finished, click the Save button.image.png

To edit an existing item, start by clicking on a list from the Select List window.image.png

Next click on the item you want to change in the Active List window.image.png

Finally, click on the Edit Item button.image.png

Make all necessary corrections within this section and once completed click the Save button.image.png

Lastly, you may remove an item from a list by highlighting the item you would like to remove in the Active List window and clicking the Delete Item button. NOTE: This cannot be undone once deleted.image.png

2: Configuring Colors in Lookup Table

GoRev now supports the ability to color code your coding or workflow statuses. You can update a specific status color code by selecting one of the items in either FollowUpStatuses or CodingStatuses and you will see the below. Simply click Choose Color, pick a color, and then click on the Save button.image.png

Example of new colors in use

Now that you have assigned colors you will see them show up in a new color column added to GoRev data grids in Follow Up and Coding modules.image.png

Additional Resources

GoRev Support Team

If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this tutorial, please contact the GoRev Support Team by phone at (317) 794-3900 or by email at

Note: Always submit an IT Support Ticket detailing the problem that you are experiencing with this portion of GoRev, if possible, as this will give GoRev Support Agents access to information that will help expedite the resolution of your issue. If you are unsure how to submit an IT Support Ticket in GoRev, please see the IT Support Ticket Creation tutorial for assistance.

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