Project Timeline Templates
Use these templates to track and communicate milestones to keep your team engaged. Learn more about this template.
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Get these presentation templates in Google Slides (When you open, click File > Make a copy to edit)
Project objective: [What do you hope to achieve with this project?]
Project end date: [What is the goal end date for the project?]
[Stage 1]
Stakeholders: [Who or what teams are responsible for tasks in this project phase?]
Deliverables: [What items need to be completed and turned in?]
Goals: [What are the objectives for this project section?]
Deadlines: [List specific deadline for each deliverable in this stage.]
[Stage 2]
Stakeholders: [Who or what teams are responsible for tasks in this project phase?]
Deliverables: [What items need to be completed and turned in?]
Goals: [What are the objectives for this project section?]
Deadlines: [List specific deadline for each deliverable in this stage.]
[Stage 3]
Stakeholders: [Who or what teams are responsible for tasks in this project phase?]
Deliverables: [What items need to be completed and turned in?]
Goals: [What are the objectives for this project section?]
Deadlines: [List specific deadline for each deliverable in this stage.]
[Stage 4]
Stakeholders: [Who or what teams are responsible for tasks in this project phase?]
Deliverables: [What items need to be completed and turned in?]
Goals: [What are the objectives for this project section?]
Deadlines: [List specific deadline for each deliverable in this stage.]
[Stage 5]
Stakeholders: [Who or what teams are responsible for tasks in this project phase?]
Deliverables: [What items need to be completed and turned in?]
Goals: [What are the objectives for this project section?]
Deadlines: [List specific deadline for each deliverable in this stage.]
Potential Barriers
[Use this section to take note of any potential barriers that could arise as your team is moving through the project timeline. Address these possible setbacks and suggest solutions.]