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How to transfer/copy an employee



Learn how to transfer an employee from one AllianceHCM account/company to another by copying the employee data. This uses the Copy Employee tool, and it can save you time and effort by eliminating the need for manual entry.

What's in this article?

Instructions for how to use the Copy Employee tool to copy/transfer an employee to another account/company.

đź’ˇGood to know: Any data you want to copy from the original account/company must exist in the destination account/company for the copy to be complete. For example, if an employee has a Deduction code in the original account and that Deduction code isn't in the destination account, then the copy will not be completed.

AllianceHCM tips: Keep an eye out for tips from our experts!

How to transfer/copy an employee from one AllianceHCM account to another

  1. Log into AllPay. From the dashboard, click on Configuration from the left sidebar menu.
  2. Hover over the Utilities menu along the top and select Copy Employee.
  3. Select the Destination Company.
  4. Select the employee(s) you want to copy by checking the box next to their name(s).
    AllianceHCM tip: Use the Employee Filter dropdown to make it easier to find the right employee(s).
  5. Check for any errors, including the columns for To ID and Cost Center.
    To ID: When this is highlighted red, the ID is already in use in the other account/company. Click the ID number and key in an available number.
    Cost Center: When this is highlighted red, the cost center does not exist in the destination account/company. Click on the cost center link and select the correct cost center code. When this is highlighted green, you're good to go—the cost center exists in the other account/company.
  6. Select the employee data that you want to copy.
    AllianceHCM tip
    : This is where you'll make sure the data you want to copy is matched in the Destination Company. If the data fields aren't valid, you can unselect that field and make the copy, then just make adjustments to the copied employee record in the Destination Company.
  7. Complete the transfer/copy by clicking the Make Copy icon toward the top right corner.
    AllianceHCM tip: Be sure to change the original employee record in the original account/company as appropriate—for example, terminate the employee in the original account/company once the employee has been transferred/copied into the destination account/company.

From your AllPay dashboard...


Click on Configuration


Click on Copy Employee


Select Destination Company


Select employee(s)


Check for errors


Select employee data to be copied


Click on Make Copy


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