Adding Alternate Insurance
The following steps will explain how to add a new alternate insurance company in PostalMate. This can be used for alternate insurance companies other than Shipsurance and RS Package Insurance.
Choose Tools > PostalMate Settings and select Insurance Settings from the left pane.
Companies and rate groups
Select the button for Companies and rate groups.
Choose Add.
Enter the name of the new alternate insurance company.
Choose the Add button to add Rate Groups. You will be prompted to save the name of the Company, choose Yes.
Enter in the name (description) of the rate group you would like to add.
Enter the Maximum amount and approval amounts indicated by the alternate company.
Enter the range(s) desired.
Click OK to save.
Repeat the above steps to enter more rate groups, or close each screen to return back to the Insurance Settings screen.
Map services to coverage
Select the button to Map services to coverage.
Select which carrier services will be covered by the alternate insurance company.
Select the drop down arrow below Default Coverage and select the appropriate rate group.
Click OK to save.
Advanced Rate-setting
Below Advanced rate settings, choose the Set rates individually button to set your wholesale and retail rates.
Select the Company you added above.
Select the Rate Group.
Enter the Wholesale Per Declared Value Unit. (The amount you are charged per unit.)
Enter the Retail Per Declared Value Unit. (The amount you wish to charge per unit)
Enter a Retail Flat Amount IF the company uses a minimum rate charge.
Using Alternate Insurance
When shipping, enter your declared value as normal. On the Add-Ons screen, PostalMate will allocate the amount that will be designated to alternate insurance, based on the carrier rules. (If the carrier covers the first $100 of declared value for free, the program automatically handle this.)
For services that have no add-ons (such as International) the allocation for insurance is found on the Package Details screen.