Creating A Campaign
A campaign lays the foundation for the drip sequence your contacts will flow through. Creating a campaign requires you to choose a messaging approach and style. Once you have defined your target audience and have your search uploaded, creating a campaign is the second and final step before your big launch.
- Creating A Campaign (Step-By-Step Overview)
How Does It Work?
Creating A campaign (Step-by-step overview)
- Copy corresponding search title
- Click on the Campaigns tab
- Click on New Campaign
- Paste search title into Connector Campaign name
- Click on Create Connector Campaign
- Scroll down - Click to open your new campaign
- Click on Steps and edit copy
- Click Save when finished
Benefits & Value
Campaigns are the backbone to the success of your account. They act as "instructions" for how you'd like the software to perform your outreach. For best results, it is recommended to have at least one campaign active at all times. Campaigns are also fully customizable which allows you to choose an audience, cadence, and messaging approach that best suits your marketing needs.
Feature Attributes
- People tab: The People tab acts as a directory of all contacts who have been added to the campaign.
- Steps tab: The Steps tab is where the automated campaign copy lives. Once a campaign is launched, the software will automatically send these messages out on your behalf. This messaging sequence will only stop when a response is received.
- Connection Message: This is the message that goes out with your connection request.
- Welcome Message: This is the first message a contact receives after they accept your connection request.
- Message 1.. 2.. 3...: These are the subsequent messages contacts will continue to get until a response is received. It is highly recommended to condense your messaging approach to 4-5 steps total (i.e not exceeding Message 3 unless you have a lengthy amount of time set between steps)
- Reminder: Be sure to frequently click the "Save" button in the top right-hand corner.
- Settings tab: Although engagement with this tab will be minimal, it is primarily used for campaign-wide updates such as mass updating labels, removing contacts based on a particular status, or setting a custom campaign schedule. This page will also allow a user to delete a campaign, if needed.
- Stats tab: The stats tab provides additional insights on a campaign's performance. Outside of connection and/or response rates, it also provides analytics on label usage to help identify if any tweaks are needed.
What do I name my campaign?
It is recommended to keep your search and campaign names the exact same. This makes it easy when referencing back on prior campaign initiatives. It is also recommended that your search name mimics the filters selected. (For example: Marketing Titles - Director + - 2nd - US)
When creating a new campaign, what does the prompt "Copy campaign steps from" mean?
This field is simply asking if a user wants to duplicate copy from an existing campaign. This is helpful as a starting off point OR when A/B testing a target audience.
I have a couple of campaigns with similar names/audiences. How do I know which campaign is the most recent?
When looking at your dashboard, the most recent campaign will be at the bottom of the list.
How do I include a prospect's name in my messaging?
Tokens; Simply add {FirstName} into your copy and the software will automatically pull the prospect's first name. This one is the most commonly used; Use others with caution.
Related Topics
For more information, contact Claire Morrison at