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Nepotism Policy

It is the policy of The New School to base appointments and promotions on qualifications and work performance. In keeping with this policy, members of the same family, including significant others, may be eligible for employment within the same department or area of the university. When members of the same family are recommended to work for the same supervisor, written approval of the arrangement by the appropriate senior officer will be required in advance. In such cases, however, a supervisor-employee relationship cannot exist at the time of employment or thereafter, nor shall one member of the family relationship assume for the other the role of advocate or judge with respect to conditions of employment, salary, or promotion.

It should be clear that the reasons underlying such a restriction on employment, defined as applying to members of the same family, should apply with equal validity to those whose living arrangements approximate family relationships. Similarly, the university’s Policy on Conflicts of Interest indicates that familial and other personal relationships may constitute a conflict of interest which must be properly disclosed.

While general responsibility for assuring adherence to these policies must rest with those responsible for appointments and assignments which is generally the university’s academic and administrative department heads, it is generally not recommended to have employees with family relationships work in the same unit.

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