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Create New Report  - Screen Overview

Create New Report

Screen Code: gltusrpa

It prints the report heading on each page and the summary text provides information about the report. The print format refers to a Base Financial report. By simply modifying the value and re-running the report, you can easily create one User Defined report as a comprehensive or summary report. The income is printed with a positive value and the cost will be printed with a negative value when the reverse sign option is used. The account type is set as either (FO) for the Fund Object or (FD) for the Department of the Fund.

Use the Fund Department if you want artifacts for a particular department. If you want all departments within a set of objects, you shall use the Fund Object

NOTE: If you change the range type, you must update the rows that have ranges to re-do the range type.

It has the following parameters:

Create Rows - There are three types of rows you can be created - Heading, Detail, and Total. Each type has some required fields that must be filled. A report can contain up to 999-row definitions. The first time, only the row type field is visible. Choose the desired row type and then press the TAB key to view the additional data entry fields.

Note: The fields that displayed are dependent on the row type selected.

Heading Rows - Heading rows are optional. A report is not required to have any Heading Rows. If you do specify a heading row, then the heading line is required.

Detail Rows - Every report must have at least one detail row. A detail row can be an individual General Ledger account or a range of accounts. If you use a range of accounts, then the accounts that are included are determined by the range type you specified when creating the report. In the following example, you are going to specify a range of accounts. You want all accounts that are in Fund 100 from object 10000 to object 13000. In the example, you create one row. However, you can create as many rows as is necessary before you create a total row.

Total Rows- Every report must have at least one total row. Every group of detail rows must end with a total row. The total level controls what detail rows are used in the total. Let’s look at an example of how total levels work.

Heading Line

Detail Line (1)

Detail Line (2)

Total Line – Level 1 (A)

Heading Line

Detail Line (3)

Total Line – Level 1 (B)

Total Line – Level 2 C

In the example above, total line (A) will contain the total of detail lines 1 and 2. Total line (B) will contain the total of detail line 3. Total Line (C) will contain the total of detail lines 1, 2, and 3. As you can see from our example, if you have a total level that is higher than the previous total levels, you will include all the details in the total of the higher level. You should also specify the description to be used for the total line and whether you want to start a new page after the total.

Click Submit button to submit the job for printing.

Action Menu

All parameters are similar to Base financial Reports as per the previous topic. There are two additional options available - Print Report Parameters and Spreadsheet Report Parameters


It has the following parameters:



Report name

Name of the report.

Print format

Define a 4-character report format. (e.g. BUDG for Budget)
Only Budget, Revenue, and Combined report types can be used.


Report Description


- Detail - Include all line item details.
- Summary - Include only line item summary

Reverse sign

- Yes - Reverses the values e.g. positive values as negative.
- No - Retains the values as is.

Range type

- Fund Object - Will provide the range type as Fund Object
- Fund Department - Will provide the range type as Fund Department

Version 1

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.