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Editors | Emeritus | Emory Goizueta Business School (EMG) | Video Style Guide

Key Style Guide Information and Links

This card covers guidance for editing EMG videos.

Important Notes

  • Only use "organization(s)" if it matches the faculty's audio: retain use of "firm(s)" and "company(ies)" if that's what's used in the voiceover.
  • Spell out numbers one to nine; use numerals for 10 and above.
    • EXCEPTION: Use all numerals in graphs/charts/tables.

    • Please limit editing intervention to correcting for grammatical consistency and accuracy: keep the on-screen text as close as possible to the faculty's narration.


Use periods only for full sentences (in all frame/screen types).

  • Bullet lists:

    • If all bullets are fragments: no periods

    • If all bullets are full sentences: use periods

    • In a mixed list of single sentences and fragments: no periods

  • If the bullet asks a question, use a question mark.

  • Where bullets are full sentences, lead-in/intro should end with a period.

  • Where bullets are fragments, lead-in should end with a colon.

title screen

  • Video Title: Title Case (CMoS)


faculty intro

  • Name, Designation, Organization Name: Title Case (CMoS)


split frame

  • Header: Title Case (CMoS)

  • Lead-in: sentence case

  • Body text: sentence case

wide with textbox

  • Textbox header: ALL CAPS

  • Body text: sentence case


60:40 (presenter and text)

  • Header (if present): Title Case
  • Lead-in for bullet list made up of full sentences: Title Case
  • Lead-in for bullet list where bullets aren't full sentences: sentence case
  • Body text: sentence case


60:40 (image and text)

  • Header: Title Case (CMoS)

  • Body text: sentence case


bleed with text

  • Text: sentence case


null screens

  • Screen Header: Title Case (CMoS)

  • Sub-headers: sentence case

  • Body text: sentence case



  • Screen Header: Title Case

  • Sub-header: sentence case

  • All rows and columns: sentence case
  • Use numerals in tables rather than spelling out numbers


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