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View and Acknowledge Increase Notifications - Wage Theft Prevention

This card provides instructions to full-time faculty and non-union administrative staff.

Under Section 195.1 of the New York State Labor Law (Wage Theft Prevention Act), we are required to notify you of changes in your compensation and refer to the communication of this increase notification as the "Wage Theft Prevention Notice to Employees." It is intended to be sure that we as your employer are paying you the full amount owed to you, and you are not experiencing "wage theft" by being underpaid. The language of the notification is fixed in the MyDay system and The New School is unable to change it.

Your notice of salary increase (if applicable) will come in the form of an item in your MyDay inbox titled "Pay Increase: <Your Position> - <Your Name>". When you open the item per the below instructions, you will see a page that says "Review Documents for Wage Theft Prevention Notice for Compensation Change: <Your Name>-<Your Position> on 1/1/20XX". This is the required notification and is not a phishing expedition.

Please contact with any questions about your Pay Increase / 195.1 Notice.

View & Acknowledge Pay Increase (195.1 Notice)

  1. Log into MyDay. See Logging into MyDay if you need assistance.
  2. Click the Inbox icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Click the task titled "Pay Increase: <Your Position> - <Your Name>" in the Actions tab of your inbox. This will display in the preview panel on the right side of your screen.
  4. Please read the instructions listed in the Review Documents for Wage Theft Notice for Compensation Change task.
  5. Click the blue hyperlinked document to view the 195.1 Notice. It will display in a new tab in your internet browser. Read the 195.1 notice showing your new salary and then return to the browser page with your MyDay inbox.
  6. Read the signature statement and check the “I Agree” checkbox.
  7. Click Submit when finished.

View Accepted 195.1 Notice

  1. Log into MyDay. See Logging into MyDay if you need assistance.
  2. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Click View Profile.
  4. Click the Personal tab in the menu to the left.
  5. Click the Documents tab in the menu toward the top.
  6. Your accepted 195.1 Notice will display in the table under Reviewed Documents. Click on the blue hyperlink in the Document column to view the notice.

Return to MyDay Payroll & Compensation Guide.

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