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University Policy Template

This template is available in the Guru template gallery and is listed here for reference only. Please see the Policy on University Policies, University Policy Procedure, and Policy Guidelines for instructions to develop, approve, and disseminate policies. A Google Doc version is also available for non-Guru policies.

The title of the policy should replace the above card title. Policy titles must identify the key purpose of the policy in as few words as possible. Avoid jargoned language or terminology that may pose a barrier to understanding by the audience, particularly those outside your unit.

Policy Number: To be assigned by the Policy Liaisons after approval by the Executive Policy Officers

Introduction (optional)

This section is optional, but can include the history of the policy if desired. Please refrain from including change-management or time-specific information (e.g. “no longer offering,” “new requirement as of”) - that information should be outlined instead in policy rollout communications or other supporting documentation. Omit the section if not needed.


The purpose outlines in one to four sentences why the policy exists. Include any regulatory reasoning, descriptions of the problems the policy will solve, and the overall benefit of the policy. When referencing laws and regulations, be sure to link to the federal, state, or governing body’s website directly and not those of private law firms or companies.

Reminder: Any policy that seeks to demonstrate compliance with a law or regulation requires approval from the Senior Vice President and General Counsel as part of the Executive Policy Officers.


The scope defines the intended audience of the policy and/or applicability (e.g. students, faculty, staff, alumni, campus visitors). Be mindful of individuals or communities who may be disproportionately and/or negatively affected by the policy and ways you may need to mitigate that impact.


Please define terms that are unfamiliar to the audience, technical in nature, or that have a particular meaning within the context of the policy. Definitions should be listed in alphabetical order. If your policy uses a number of different terms or if the terms are also incorporated to other similar policies, you may alternatively link to a separate glossary for reference.


Outline the general responsibilities of all offices and individuals who are necessary to administer the policy. Specific actions the parties take to support the policy should be outlined in the Procedure. Therefore, please define here the overall explicit and implicit functions of the parties. Responsibilities should be listed in alphabetical order by responsible party.

If unsure who to list here, please consider what kicks off the policy, who completes actions defined within the policy, how the work is carried forward, how training on the policy and procedure is completed, who is responsible for day-to-day management and enforcement of the policy, and who has the ultimate responsibility for compliance of the policy.


The policy is a set of succinct statements or principles that mandate actions, guide decision-making, or establish boundaries for how the university should conduct its activities. The community should clearly understand from this section the position of the university, what is expected of them, and when it applies. Include any exclusions or special situations that may have alternate provisions.

Keep sentences and paragraphs brief and use clear, direct language such as “must” and “will” to avoid ambiguity. Again, be sure to consider the potential disproportionate negative impact this policy may have on under-served or marginalized individuals and/or groups, and how that impact will be mitigated or eliminated.
The policy should be evergreen and only change as regulations and university positioning change, which will likely require review and re-approval by the Executive Policy Officers. Review the section carefully and move any language related to process steps or specific systems to the Procedure. Do not include background information, reasoning, or how the policy will be executed in this section – that information belongs in other sections of the template.


The procedure details how and where the policy will be carried out. This section is much more technical and specific than the Policy and should include operational steps, forms, FAQs, supporting diagrams, etc. to facilitate the process. Review your procedure with stakeholders to ensure the intended audience can clearly follow the steps.

The procedure may be detailed within the template or you may link to a separate file, which is ideal for lengthy procedures or those that are subject to more frequent changes. In cases where the procedure cannot be finalized before submission to the Executive Policy Officers, an implementation and communication or rollout plan must be provided.

Enforcement (if applicable)

Outline any potential disciplinary actions that may be taken as a result of noncompliance with the policy such as suspension, withholding of diploma, or mandatory fees. Also include any fees or fines the university may incur as a result of noncompliance. Omit the section if not needed.

Policy Administration

Responsible University Official: As defined in the Policy on University Policies, this individual must report to the President or one of the EVPs

Responsible Office: Local department designated by the RUO to manage the policy

Contact Information: Email address or contact method for questions related to the policy

Policy History

Effective Date: Assigned by the Policy Liaisons

Last Reviewed Date: N/A until officially approved by the Executive Policy Officers

Next Review Date: Assigned by the Policy Liaisons - all policies must be reviewed every 5 years or less, depending on applicable regulations

Revision History: Listing of all Material Changes and when they were made; non-material changes do not need to be tracked in the Revision History

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.