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PASI - Responsible School Transition Reasons

Transition Into School


When To Use

New Student

For first time students, where the student has never attended school before.
e.g. first time enrollment in ECS or Grade 1.

Grade Offering

When the student has enrolled in a school due to the grades being offered at that school.
e.g. student going from an elementary school to a Junior High school; or from a Junior High school into a High School.

Program Offering

When the student has enrolled in a school due to the programs being offered.
e.g. student enrolling in a school with a sports program, or with a focus on arts, academics, or any other program unique to the school.


When the student has enrolled in a school due to being expulsed from a prior school.
e.g. student enrolling in a new school resulting from an expulsion from the prior school.


When the student has enrolled in a new school due to change of residence.
e.g. student moved from one address to another.


When the noted incoming Transition reasons do not meet the situation.

Transition Out of School


When To Use

Completed Grade 12

The student has completed Grade 12 and is not expected to return.
Note: PASIprep will create a “Completed K-12” record for student who are over 16 years of age and the Grade 12 enrolment Exit date has passed.


When the student has become deceased. The enrollment end date and the Responsible School end date should be the same or earlier than the date of death.


The student is leaving school to work or seek employment.


The student is being expelled from their current school.


The student has had a change of residence.

Not Provided

When the noted outgoing Transition reasons do not meet the situation.

Student’s Choice

The student is leaving the school by their own choice.

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