NEW! Container Exception And Reminder Rollup
💡 What Is This Feature?
This feature will group up container exceptions and reminders making your customers' experience more intuitive and streamlined.
In other words, we are reducing the count of exceptions/reminders. A shipment that has multiple containers with the same exception/reminder will now be counted as 1 exception/reminder and will include the containers associated with it.
For example, before this update, if a shipment with 12 containers had the same 12 exceptions, they would be counted individually.
🤩 How Will This Feature Help Your Customers?
Provide your customers with exception and reminder information that is streamlined and easy to follow. For example, if a shipment with 12 containers has the same 12 exceptions, they will now all be counted as only 1 exception
Reduce noise for your customers when tracking their shipments, helping them focus on the exceptions that need urgent attention
Increase internal efficiency for your clients and help them plan better around exceptions and reminders
Give your customers all the exceptions and reminders data they need in one place, your digital platform
👀 How it looks
Shipment Details Page
Container exceptions and reminders are grouped by type. If a shipment has multiple containers with the same exception/reminder, the card will display it as 1 exception/reminder.
Clicking on the container number will open a container pop up screen where the user can see details about that particular container (same one that open when a user clicks “open container details” in the cargo details card).
Shipment Explorer Page
The count of exceptions/reminders here is expected to go down since a shipment that has multiple containers with the same exception/reminder will be counted as 1 exception/reminder.
Dashboard Page
Estimated Arrivals Card: if a shipment has multiple containers with the same exception/reminder, the card will display it as 1 exception/reminder.
Pinned Shipments Table: if a shipment has multiple containers with the same exception/reminder, the table will display it as 1 exception/reminder.
Inbox: the count of exceptions/reminders here is expected to go down since a shipment that has multiple containers with the same exception/reminder will be counted as 1 exception/reminder.
Quick View: the latest 4 exceptions and reminders by updated date will be displayed with the title of the exception and the updated date of the exception. Clicking on View All Exceptions will take the user to the shipment detail page of that particular shipment with the exceptions card expanded.
🛎️ Which Container Exceptions & Reminders Are Affected?
Container on hold
Container not delivered on time
Full container not removed on time
Empty container not returned on time
Reminder to pick up full container
Reminder to return empty container
Are the notifications staying the same?
Yes, you will still get individual notifications for each exception, they will not be grouped.