Unified Platform Access for New AE
CARD OVERVIEW: This card serves as a guide specifically for DSE/VPDS/AE on the steps to request unified platform access for a new AE
Description: To request for Unified Platform access for a new AE, please follow below steps:
- Log in using your IHM email and fill out this Manage Engine form
- In the On Behalf of User field, input the name of the AE requiring access
- In the Unified Platform Access type field, select the checkbox corresponding to the access needed for the AE
Please note: Only traffickers will require access to "Unified Operations Access"; request for AEs should leave this unchecked. - To provide more specific information about the request, please utilize the Any additional information you would like to add section
Below is an example of an access request for reference:
- Hit the Add Request button
- Monitor the status of the request. Once access is granted, follow the below steps to access the campaign dashboard.
Below are the two ways to access the Unified Campaign Dashboards and Reporting.
- The AE can type and search the Unified Campaign Dashboards and Reporting in the search bar as shown below:
- The AE can proceed to MyApps and select the Unified Campaign Dashboards and Reporting which will redirect them to the UP in a new tab, where their account will be automatically created and order access will be set up.
Questions? Email iheartmedia-support@unified.com or create a Markets Platform Support case.