Unified Platform Access for New AE
CARD OVERVIEW: This card serves as a guide specifically for DSE/VPDS/AE on the steps to request unified platform access for a new AE
Description: To request for Unified Platform access for a new AE, please follow below steps:
- Log in using your IHM email and fill out the Service Now form
- In the Who needs this access field, input the name of the AE requiring access
- In the Access type field, select the checkbox corresponding to the access needed for the AE
Please note: Only traffickers will require access to "Unified Operations Access"; request for AEs should leave this unchecked. - To provide more specific information about the request, please utilize the more details section
Below is an example of an access request for reference:
- Hit the Submit button
- After submitting the request, it will be subject to approval by the manager. The manager will receive an email notification regarding the access request.
- Upon approval by the manager, below are the two ways to access the Unified Campaign Dashboards and Reporting.
- The AE can type and search the Unified Campaign Dashboards and Reporting in the search bar as shown below:
- The AE can proceed to MyApps and select the Unified Campaign Dashboards and Reporting which will redirect them to the UP in a new tab, where their account will be automatically created and order access will be set up.
- After a ServiceNow ticket has been submitted and successfully processed, make sure to verify that the account status in UP is not set to disabled.
Questions? Email iheartmedia-support@unified.com or create a Markets Platform Support case.