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Starfish: Student Attributes

Follow this guide to learn more about student attributes and how to filter them in Starfish.

What are Attributes in Starfish?

  • Attributes are pieces of data which are displayed on the Overview tab of a student’s Starfish folder.
  • This data is pulled directly from Banner and allows for a snapshot of the student to be viewed on a single screen.
  • Your role(s) and relationship to the students in Starfish define the viewing permission of the student’s Overview tab.
  • Majority of the attributes displayed in the Overview tab can be filtered to create targeted interventions and communication strategies for designated student populations.

Different Types of Attributes in Starfish (Click on each attribute to learn more):

Personal Pronoun

Display Text: Personal pronoun: “Pronoun”

Example: SHE


  • This attribute cannot be filtered, but will display in the Overview tab.


Display Text: Class: “Class (# of earned credits)”

Example: Sophomore (48 credits)


  • This attribute can be filtered and will display in the Overview tab.

Program Description

Display Text: Program description: “College-Degree-Major1-Major2 (if applicable)”

Example: Schools of Public Engagement-MA-International Affairs-


  • This attribute can be filtered and will display in the Overview tab.

Program Description 2 (if any)

Similar to Program description 1 text and example but looks at the second college if applicable


  • This attribute can be filtered and will display in the Overview tab (if applicable).

Registration Status & Active Holds

Display Text: Registration status & active holds: “Term-REGY/REGN-NONE/List of Holds”

Example: Sp24-REGY

Example: Sp24-REGN-NONE

Example: Sp24-REGN-BU OTHER


  • This attribute will always look at the newest term available for registration.
  • REGY = Yes, registered for the newest term available for registration; REGN = No, not registered for the newest term available for registration
  • If a student has any of the following holds on their account (AH, BR, BU, IM, IS, MM, NW, P1, ST), they will be displayed under the “Registration Status & Active Holds” attribute.
    • AH = Meet with Academic Advisor Hold
    • BR = Student Accounts Hold
    • BU = Student Accounts Hold
    • IM = Immunization Hold
    • IS = International Student Services Hold
    • MM = Meningitis Hold
    • NW = New Student Registration Hold
    • P1 = Probation Hold
    • ST = Student Support Hold
  • If there is any other hold not from the above list, it will say "OTHER".
    • Example: Sp24-REGN-BU OTHER
  • “NONE” would only display when a student is not registered for the newest term available and does not have any active holds.
    • Example: Sp24-REGN-NONE
    • You can find students who are not registered for the newest term available and do not have any active holds by using the attribute filter for Reg status and entering “%REGN%NONE” in the Specific Value field
  • Students that were not registered within the last two Fall or Spring terms will not receive a value nor will the attribute appear on their Overview tab.
  • Non-degree seeking students (e.g. non-matriculated) who have taken or are taking for-credit courses will not receive a value nor will the attribute appear on their Overview tab.
  • This attribute can be filtered and will display in the Overview tab.

Active Holds Preventing Registration

Display Text: Active holds preventing registration: “Y/N”

Example: Y


  • Y = Yes; N = No
  • This attribute can be filtered and will display in the Overview tab.

Returning From Leave

Display Text: Returning from leave in “NA/Return Term from LOA”

Example: Returning from leave in 202330

Example: Returning from leave in 0


  • This attribute now displays a 0 for those without a leave of absence (see above example).
  • This attribute can be filtered and will display in the Overview tab.
  • It allows for using "greater than", "less than", "equal to", and "not equal" options in the filtering.
    • Example: To filter for all students returning from leave after Fall 2024, you would:
      • Select the "Return from leave" attribute
      • Click Specific Value
      • Select the greater sign (>)
      • Enter 202410 term code


Active Probation Status

Display Text: Academic probation status (APS): “YES/NO”

Example: NO


  • This attribute can be filtered and will display in the Overview tab.

Active Graduation Application

Display Text: Active graduation application: “N/Y term for which there is an active grad app”

Example: N

Example: Y Sp24


  • This attribute can be filtered and will display in the Overview tab.

Most Recent Term Registered

Display Text: Most recent term registered: “Term Code-Term Description”

Example: 202230-Sp23


  • This attribute can be filtered and will display in the Overview tab.

Residence Hall

Display Text: Residence hall: “Dorm Name/Off-Campus”

Example: Residence Hall: Residence Entrance 65 5th Ave

Example: Residence Hall: Off-Campus


  • This attribute can be filtered and will display in the Overview Tab.



Display Text: Campus: “Term-Paris/Online”

Example: Fa23-Paris


  • This attribute will only display for online students or for students who have been assigned the Paris campus.
  • This attribute can be filtered and will display in the Overview tab.

Lang Full Time Status

Display Text: TMST: “YES/NO”

Example: YES


  • TMST = Time Status
  • This attribute displays YES specifically for Lang students to indicate they are full time and NO if they are not full-time (see below screenshot of an example). Students in other colleges/programs outside of Lang will not have this attribute displayed in their Overview tab.
  • This attribute cannot be filtered, but will display in the Overview tab.

BMAD and BAMA Attribute

Display Text: BMAD: “YES/NO”



  • BMAD = BAMA Early Admission
  • The BMAD attribute displays YES specifically for Lang students to indicate whether they were invited to apply for BAMA at the time of admission (see below screenshot of an example). Students in other colleges/programs outside of Lang will not have this attribute displayed in their Overview Tab.
  • This attribute can be filtered and will display in the Overview Tab.

Display Text: BAMA attribute: “B + Major Code”



  • The BAMA attribute displays specifically for Lang students who have a current and active major code starting with “B” (see below screenshot of an example). Students in other colleges/programs outside of Lang will not have this attribute displayed in their Overview Tab.
  • This attribute is designated for the dual degree program available for Lang students who must apply or accept the invitation when approaching or at 60 earned credits among other requirements
  • This attribute can be filtered and will display in the Overview Tab.


Display Text: Military-affiliated: “Y”

Example: Y


  • Military-affiliated refers to students who are veterans or dependents of veterans.
  • This attribute can be filtered and will display in the Overview tab.
    • If a student is not on an active F1 visa, the attribute will not display and will not appear in the filter.


Native Language

Display Text: Native language: “Language”

Example: Portuguese


  • This attribute can be filtered and will display in the Overview tab.

Active Visa

Display Text: Active Visa: “Y”

Example: Y


  • Active Visa refers to students who are on an active F1 visa.
  • This attribute can be filtered and will display in the Overview tab.
      • If a student is not on an active F1 visa, the attribute will not display and will not appear in the filter.

Total Credits Earned

Display Text: Total credits: “# of credits”

Example: 18


  • The total credits earned attribute displays the numeric value of total overall credits earned by the student.
  • This attribute can be filtered and will display in the Overview tab.

Cumulative GPA


  • This attribute looks at the institutional and transfer (if applicable) combined GPA based on the student's most recent level.
  • This attribute can be filtered but will not display in the Overview tab.

Retention Score


  • This attribute can be filtered but will not display in the Overview tab.

Year of Birth


  • This attribute looks at the student’s birth year.
  • This attribute can be filtered but will not display in the Overview tab.

Filtering Student Attributes in Starfish

  • Click on the hamburger menu in the upper left corner of Starfish.


  • Click on Students which will bring you to My Students.


  • Click on Add Filters. Once the "Additional Filters" window opens, click on Attributes.

  • When filtering attribute values:
    • Do not filter by term as most of the attributes are not defined by a term, instead use the “Specific value” field in the filtering.
        • Majority of the attributes will require you to use the “Specific Value” option to get your preferred outcome.
    • If the value does not match precisely, Starfish will ignore that student from your filter, therefore it is best to use the wildcard in your filter.
        • Use the percentage sign “%” as a wildcard.

  • Starfish allows you to select the same attribute multiple times in your filters.
    • Note: Each time you add an attribute, they work as an “and” function to your filters.
    • Ex: To identify students with two specific Student Accounts holds using the Registration status attribute for the upcoming term, you would:
      • Select "Registration Status" as the attribute
      • Type %BU% in the specific value field
      • Select "Registration Status" as the attribute again
      • Type %BR% in the specific value field

  • The filtering allows for using "greater than", "less than", "equal to", and "not equal" options in the filtering.
    • Example: To filter for all students returning from leave after Fall 2024, you would:
      • Select the "Return from leave" attribute
      • Click Specific Value
      • Select the greater sign (>)
      • Enter 202410 term code


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