Stat Check In
Welcome to the GoRev Stat Check In Tutorial. In this tutorial, we will focus on the step-by-step instructions involved with the Stat Check-In of a Patient in GoRev.
1 : Beginning the Stat Check In Process
As a GoRev user, you will have the ability to quickly check in Patients using the Stat Check In function. To begin, click on the “Stat Check In” button present in the Clinic Modules tab of the GoRev Homepage toolbar.
2 : Entering Patient Demographics
Once the Patient Information window appears on your screen, please enter the Patient’s Name, Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Date of Birth, and Social Security Number into the corresponding fields of the Demographics area.
If you are unable to obtain the Patient’s Social Security Number, please click on the “No SSN” checkbox in this area.
Additionally, in the event that you have difficulty locating a Patient that has been previously entered into the GoRev system, please utilize the “Advanced Search” function in the Demographics area to perform a more detailed search for the Patient.
3 : Entering Patient Admission Information
After the Patient Demographics fields have been filled, please enter the Patient’s Admission information into the corresponding fields of the Admission area.
4 : Entering Attending Physician Information
Now, please enter the Attending Physician information for this Patient into the corresponding fields of the Attending Physician area.If the Attending Physician is not in your system, please add the missing doctor to the system by utilizing the “Add Doctor” button in this area.
5 : Entering Optional Appointment Information
In the instance that you require Patient Appointment Information be added, please utilize the Appointment fields provided.
6 : Navigating to the "Finalize Visit Creation" Window
Once you are satisfied with the Patient’s Demographics, Attending Physician, Admission, and Appointment information that has been entered, click “Next”.
7 : Utilizing the Quick Payment Function
At this point, the Finalize Visit Creation window should, now, be visible. In this window, you will have the ability to process a Quick Payment for the Patient. To begin, please enter the appropriate monetary value into the “Payment Amount” field present in the Quick Payment area of this window.
Then, select the appropriate Payment Type from the drop-down menu on your screen to finalize the Quick Payment process.
8 : Uploading Patient Files
Now, if you would like to upload a file to the Patient's account, please click on the “Browse” button present in the Upload Files area and upload the appropriate Patient file from your device.
9 : Locating the Newly Added Patient File
At this point, the Patient file to be uploaded will be present in the “Pending Uploads” section of the Upload Files area.
10 : Removing a Patient File
Now, in the event that you need to remove a Patient file from the “Pending Uploads” section, please begin by selecting the Patient file that you require from the list on your screen
Then, click on the “Remove” button present in the Upload Files area to finalize the removal process.
11 : Reviewing and Editing The Entered Information
Note: You can use the Back Arrow button in this window to complete any necessary edits to the previously entered information.
12 : Finishing The Stat Check-In Process
Now, in order to finalize the Stat Check In process, click on the “Save Visit” button present in the bottom right corner of this window.Note: The Patient's Contact and Payer information must be completed in the Patient Overview window after completing the Stat Check In process.
Additional Resources
GoRev Support Team
If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this tutorial, please contact the GoRev Support Team by phone at (317) 794-3900 or by email at
Note: Always submit an IT Support Ticket detailing the problem that you are experiencing with this portion of GoRev, if possible, as this will give GoRev Support Agents access to information that will help expedite the resolution of your issue. If you are unsure how to submit an IT Support Ticket in GoRev, please see the IT Support Ticket Creation tutorial for assistance.