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Supervising An Exam Using Safe Exam Browser (SEB)

These are the steps involved for the Teacher and Exam Supervisors when students are writing exams with SEB - usually PAT's or Diploma Exams.

Before staff can login, it is necessary for the school administration to:
1. Create staff accounts in the Vretta system.
2. Create the exam groupings (in the CORRECT WRITING SESSION).
3. Assign the teacher and exam supervisors to the applicable exam group.

Teacher / Exam Supervisors: Assessment Setup Procedure

  1. Login to the Vretta system:
  2. Select Staff Member.
  3. Login with your ECSRD Email Address and the password you set when your account was created.
    Hint: if this is the first time you are logging in, you will need to set up your password by referencing the account invitation email (from that was sent to your ECSRD email address when your account was created.
    If you've previously logged in and have forgotten your password, you'll need to use the
    Forgot Password? link on the login page.
  4. Click on the applicable school name for the exam being written (most staff will only see one school name listed).
  5. Open the applicable group for the exam being written by clicking Select Class.
  6. If this is a practice exam, you will need to add an assessment. If it's a PAT or Diploma, your administrators will do this step:
    Add an Active Assessment to the group by clicking the Start or Schedule Assessment Session button.
  7. From the pop-up window, click the drop-down menu and choose the applicable option:
    Diploma Exams and PATs
    , or Practice Exams and Released Items.
  8. Then select the applicable exam from the assessment options listed.
    (The Name/Description field is optional)
  9. If necessary, Teachers can add (or remove) additional exam supervisors to the group by clicking on the Add/Remove link under the group name.

Administering the Assessment:

  1. From within the applicable exam group, click on the Assessment Name that was previously setup.
  2. Post or handout the assessment Access Code to the students in the room (the access code is located at the top-right corner of the window - pink box).
  3. As students login to the system, you should see them show up in the list. You will likely need to continually refresh the browser page to maintain a current list.
  4. As you verify each student's identity, click the Accept button for each student.
    *NOTE: It is recommended that teachers DO NOT USE the Accept All button for "Diploma Exams and PATs" as a security measure to ensure that only those students who are present in the room are logged into the assessment.
  5. *IMPORTANT: When all intended students have been accepted AND you have reached the exam start time, CLICK THE Unlock All Students BUTTON.
  6. If any students show up late, you can unlock the exam individually by clicking the lock symbol next to their name in the list.
  7. If a student tries to exit the Safe Exam Browser (SEB), the assessment will be paused for that student and you will see a red exclamation mark icon next to their name.
    You will need to check why the student exited and decide if they should be allowed to continue. If the student is allowed to continue, click the red exclamation mark and click OK on the next window.

Adding Missing Accommodations for a Student:

For provincial exams, student accommodations should be set up ahead of time by school administration or by the Inclusive Ed Coordinator. However, if a student has been missed the teacher or exam supervisor can add accommodations for that student.

  1. From within the Assessment page where the students are listed, click on the Student's Name (for whom accommodations are missing).
  2. Click the Edit button at the top-right of the pop-up window.
  3. Check the box next to the missing accommodations, scroll to the bottom and click OK.

Closing the Assessment:

  1. As students finish and submit the assessment you will see the individual lock symbols appearing in the student list.
  2. Once all students have completed and submitted the assessment, you will need to click the green Submit Assessment Session button at the top of the page to end the assessment.

Reviewing Student Responses:

  1. Navigate to the group page where the assessment name is displayed.
  2. Click on the completed assessment name which will be listed below the COMPLETED ASSESSMENT(S) section.
  3. Click on each student name to view their responses.
    *If you don't need to keep the responses anonymous, click the View Student Names button at the top of the student list.

Printable PDF version (Letter 8.5x11): Supervising An Exam Using Safe Exam Browser (SEB) - 8.5x11.pdf
Printable PDF version (Legal 8.5x14): Supervising An Exam Using Safe Exam Browser (SEB) - 8.5x14.pdf
(slightly larger font)

Students Logging into Safe Exam Browser (SEB)

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