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Multi-Entry Section Fees


  • Record form setup
  • Fee Calculations based on Multi-Entry Data
  • Fee Conditions/Conditional Logic for Multi-Entry
  • Additional Resource Articles

Record form setup

  1. Add a multi-entry section to your form
  2. Create a multi-entry form section.

For this example, we'll use a section called Fixtures.


Fee Calculations based on Multi-Entry Data

  • You can add fee calculations based on either the total sum of a number field within a multi-entry form section, or the number of entries within a multi-entry form section.
  • Creating fees based on multi-entry data can be done in the same fee designer that is currently used in the record type settings. There are currently two ways to utilize multi-entry fee calculations.

Fees based on the sum of a number form field

  • Under the "$ per ..." calculation type, choosing a multi-entry number field will calculate the total sum of all entries on a given record.


Fees based on the total amount of entries within the multi-entry form section

If you would like to charge an amount for each fixture entered, you can select "$ per multi entry section" in the calculation type dropdown.


Fee Conditions/Conditional Logic for Multi-Entry

  • Similar to adding conditions on fees from a single-entry form section, you can add conditions to multi-entry fees as well.
  • With multi-entry fees, you can add conditions based on fields within the multi-entry section. Doing so will limit whether a particular entry is counted or not.
    • For example, "$10 per fixture when Fixture Type is Household Outlet".


Additional Resource Articles:

  • Employee/Admin Guide: Setting Up and Managing Fee Calculations for Payment Workflow Steps for Permitting & Licensing (PLC)

Version 1.1

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.