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Set up paperless Form W-2 delivery in AllPay


It’s easy to let us know you want AllianceHCM to mail your employees’ Form W-2s directly to them. Follow these five simple steps, which we also illustrate in a quick visual guide below:

  1. Log into AllPay and click on Configuration from the left side menu.
  2. Hover to open the Utilities menu.
  3. Click on W2/1095 C Delivery.
  4. Click on the "Add New" + icon in the upper right corner
  5. Select your company code (or multiole codes for multiple companies) and then choose if you want AllianceHCM to mail active employees, terminated employees, or both. You can also choose to go paperless (electronic) and have no W-2s printed. If you leave any choice blank, we will deliver those W-2s the same as last year.

W2 1.png

W2 2.png

W2 3.png

Read more about important year-end information for 2024 here.

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.