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2. Utilizing Robots for Data Addition

Use Robot to Add Data

  1. Introduction

Q-Robot is designed to streamline business processes by automating repetitive operations. It enables the automatic triggering of application nodes in the target application after automatic data filling, achieving the goal of "fill in the form once, trigger at multiple levels". This improves work efficiency and automates business processes.

  1. Applicable Scene
  • Adding new customers, automatically adding inventory flow, and financial statements.
  • Process concatenation for various business operations.

Node Settings

Add Data Node: Automatically extracts target data from the current form and applies it to a new form, avoiding duplicate work and enhancing efficiency.

  1. Operation Introduction

Create a new "Add Data Node" and set the node leader. Then, select the target application where data needs to be added and configure the corresponding fields for automatic addition.


The field types such as single-line text, numbers, dates, and others between the current and created application must be consistent.

Data added by Q-robot participating in recalculations may not always be successful.

  1. Use Cases

Hires: After the interview process, if the candidate is selected, their data is automatically transferred from the resume database to start the employee onboarding process.

Purchase, Sale, and Inventory: Create applications for "incoming and outgoing warehouse entry" and "inventory table". Entries in the warehouse application automatically create records in the inventory table, allowing real-time tracking and inventory status reporting.

  1. Precautions
  • Data added via Q-Robot triggers processes in the target application.
  • Multiple data entries can be created through tables, depending on the number of table rows.
  • Avoid creating data nodes that create loops. The system prevents this to avoid infinite loops.
  • Special scenarios like conditional loops require contacting support.
  • Limitations exist for Enterprise WeChat users in adding specific fields.
  • In the trial version, the daily limit for Q-robot adding data outside the process is 200 triggers per workspace.

Q-Robot Adds Data and Supports Table Subfields

Function Introduction: Q-Robot can add field data from the current application to table fields in the target application.

Usage Scenarios: Suitable for automatically transferring table data in project management, purchase, sale, inventory, and customer management.

Effect Display: The content of the current table subfields is automatically added to the target application's table after triggering Q-Robot.

  1. Setup Steps
  • Function Entrance: If the current form has table fields, create a new "Q-Robot Add Data" node, add a "Create Rule", select the table field in the target application, and proceed to configuration.
  • Setting Method: Define the adding range and rules. Select between adding all rows or partial rows based on filter conditions.
  1. Things to Note
  • Each Q-Robot adding data node can only configure one table field's adding rule.
  • Tables are added one-to-one; subfields of the current table cannot be added to different target tables.
  • Main field content can also be added to table fields, depending on the rule setup.

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