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5. Enhancing System Automation

Formula Function Settings

Customize Print Settings

Data Association and Linking with Existing Data

In complex systems comprising multiple applications, it's essential for data across these applications to interact and interlink to meet comprehensive system objectives. To establish connections among various applications within a system, building a relational database is crucial. This enables the seamless association and integration of data, ensuring that each application can effectively communicate and function in unison towards the overarching system goals.

A relational database organizes data using a relational model, storing it in rows and columns for easy comprehension. This structure, known as tables, allows for efficient data organization. In a relational database, multiple tables are interconnected to form a comprehensive database system.

In Anffy's framework, application forms are designed to establish row-column relationships within a relational database. Each set of data collected by an individual application represents a single data table in this relational database. To create a network of interconnected data, multiple applications can utilize cross-application data calling fields within their forms. This interlinking of tables forms a cohesive relational database structure.

Beyond basic data management and linking with existing data, Anffy also employs reference fields to facilitate cross-application data calls. These reference fields allow for the integration of single or multiple data entries from other applications within the workspace into the current form interface, presented as cards. Users can click on these data cards to access the original data details. When referencing a single data entry, the fields from the referenced data can be set to populate specific fields in the current form. Furthermore, these referenced fields can act as data sources for the form, enabling the calling of multiple pieces of data from other applications to complete the form entries.

Custom Button Settings

Custom buttons in Anffy are activated through the Light Mall - Plug-in Center. These buttons offer versatility, enabling actions like redirecting to a specified URL, adding data, or triggering Q-Robot operations that are external to the process flow.

You can integrate these custom buttons within various elements of Anffy, including:

  1. Application Datasheet Reports (Details): Embed custom buttons in the details section of datasheet reports for direct user interaction.
  2. Application Views: Place custom buttons within application views to facilitate specific actions relevant to the data being displayed.
  3. Data-Related Fields: Enhance the functionality of data fields by incorporating custom buttons that trigger specific tasks or navigations.

After creating and configuring your custom buttons, it's essential to add them to the reports, views, or fields where you want them to be active. This step ensures that the buttons are operational and available for users to interact with, thereby enhancing the overall functionality and user experience within the Anffy platform.

Related Report Settings

In Anffy, associated reports enable seamless integration of reports generated by any application within the workspace. This feature enhances data analysis by allowing users to view interrelated reports, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the data. Key aspects include:

  1. Report Association Rules: Administrators can define rules to control the scope of data displayed in the associated reports. This feature helps in narrowing down the data to specific criteria or conditions, ensuring that the reports are tailored to specific analysis needs.
  2. Default Visibility Settings: By default, associated reports are displayed in all data sections. However, they are not visible to non-administrative users. This default setting maintains data privacy and limits access to sensitive or specific information.
  3. Access Control and Visibility: Administrators have the flexibility to modify visibility settings. This is done through the advanced settings in node configuration items or within the application view's data display options. By adjusting these settings, non-administrative users can be granted permission to view associated reports at specific nodes or within certain views.

This approach ensures that associated reports are accessible only where necessary, maintaining data security while providing relevant insights to authorized users. It's an effective way to manage data visibility across different levels of users within the Anffy workspace.

Q-Robot Settings

In Anffy, the Q-Robot function plays a pivotal role in automating and streamlining business processes. After the business data has been thoroughly analyzed and the relevant applications have been delineated, Q-Robot can be employed to enhance data flow and connectivity across different applications. Key features include:

  1. Automatic Data Transmission: Q-Robot can be configured to automatically send data between applications. This automated transfer reduces manual intervention and ensures that data is consistently and accurately distributed across various business applications.
  2. Data Update Automation: Q-Robot is capable of automatically updating data across different applications. This feature ensures that all applications within the workspace are synchronized with the latest data, maintaining data integrity and coherence throughout the business process.
  3. Connecting Data Across Applications: By leveraging Q-Robot, businesses can create interconnected data streams between different applications. This interconnectedness forms a comprehensive business process flow, ensuring that data is not only shared but also utilized effectively across various segments of the business.
  4. Streamlining Business Processes: The automation provided by Q-Robot is integral in streamlining business processes. It reduces the time and effort required to manage data manually, thereby enhancing efficiency and productivity.

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.