CON Air IATA number for IB and BA TF bookings
There are instances that we need to call these airlines (BA and IB)sige2 to assist our users even for a TF booking. When you call these airlines, they will ask us for the agency IATA number associated with the booking and if we can't provide the correct one, they will not assist us. To find the correct IATA number associated with the booking, please see the details below:
- Access the booking in "Travelfusion- IBE" portal and on the lower portion of the trip details, you should be able to see the booking IATA number as shown in the screenshot below.
- If you are unable to access the booking in Travelfusion- IBE portal, access it in Travelfusion -Reports.
- Go to "Booking List" in the left column and then input the TF reference number in the "Supplier PNR / TF Reference" section then access the booking.
- Once you open the booking, you should see more details about the booking including the agency IATA number associated with the booking.