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Visit Status

Welcome to the GoRev Visit Status Tutorial. In this tutorial, we will focus on the process of adding new visit statuses, removing old visit statuses, and editing existing visit statuses in GoRev.

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1 : Navigating to the Visit Status Lookup Table

As a GoRev Administrator, you will have the ability to Add, Edit, and Delete Visit Statuses in the Visit Status Lookup Table. In order to navigate to the Visit Status Lookup Table, first, begin by clicking on the “Configuration” icon in the Admin tab of the GoRev Homepage Toolbar.Step 1.png

After the Configuration drop-down menu becomes visible, please click on the “Lookup Tables” option from the list.

Step 2.png

Once the lookup table drop-down menu becomes visible, please click on the "Lookup Tables" option from the list.

Step 3.png

Note: In order to access the Lookup Table Editor, you will require the "lookuptableeditor" permission. If you are missing this permission, please reach out to your Authorized Delegate and they will have the ability to add this permission to your user account.

2 : Adding a New Visit Status

Selecting the visit status list

At this point, the Lookup List Editor will be visible. In order to open the Visit Status List, please utilize the select list scrollbar located on the left side of this window and click on the "Visit Statuses" list from the options displayed. Step 4.png

Note: In the instance that you are unable to locate the visit status list, please contact GoRev Support at 317-794-3900. A GoRev Support Agent will have the ability to add the "UserAllowedLookupLists" system registry setting that is required in order to access the visit status list.

Adding a new visit status

Now, to begin adding a new Visit Status, first, select the "New Item" button located in the upper left corner of this window. Step 5.png

Setting a visit status name

At this point, the "New Item" window will be present on your screen. In order to create a new Visit Status, begin by entering the Visit Status Name for the new status into the "Value" field on this screen.

Step 6.png

Selecting a Permission Level

Next, please select the user Permission required for the usage of this Visit Status from the Permission drop-down menu on your screen.Step 7.png

Choosing the visit status color

Once you have entered the required permission level, you will have the ability to select a color for the new visit status you are entering. This color can be used to track this visit status within certain reports and can be used within the patient overview window as a quick color reference for the visit status in question.

Step 8.png

Entering the visit status description

Now, please enter the Description for the new Visit Status by entering the required information into the “Description” field in this window.

Step 9.png

Declaring Checked Out Status

Once you are finished, please select whether the new Visit Status will discharge the patient once the visit status is selected by choosing the "Yes" or "No" checkboxes available.

Step 10.png

Defining Do Not Bill Status

Now, please declare if the Visit Status is a Status that should or should not be Billed by clicking on the corresponding option in the “Do Not Bill” area of this window.Step 11.png

Adding the Visit Status to the System

Lastly, in order to successfully Add the Visit Status to the system, please click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the New Item Window. Step 12.png

3 : Editing a Preexisting Visit Status

Selecting a Visit Status to Edit

In addition to adding a new Visit Status, as a GoRev Administrator, you will, also, have the ability to Edit an existing Visit Status. To begin, please select the Visit Status that you would like to Edit from the Visit Status List.Step 13.png

Beginning the Edit Process

At this point, please select the "Edit Item" button from the Lookup List Editor toolbar. Step 14.png

Editing the Selected Visit Status

At this point, the information pertaining to your selected Visit Status will be present on your screen. Now, please edit any of the Visit Status information in this window that you require.Step 15.png

Saving the Edited Visit Status

Once you are finished editing, please click on the “Save” button in this window to save the Visit Status changes.Step 16.png

Locating the Edited Visit Status

At this point, the Edited Visit Status will be present in the Visit Status list in this window.Step 17.png

4 : Deleting an Unwanted Visit Status

GoRev Visit Status Editor Module

Lastly, as a GoRev Administrator, you will have the ability to Delete an unwanted Visit Status. To begin, please select the Visit Status that you would like to Delete from the list in the Visit Status Editor.Step 13.png

Note: When deleting existing visit statuses, please exercise caution as this will affect patient accounts with the old status still present on the account. We recommend utilizing the patients by dos report and filtering by the visit status in question so that you may bulk change these statuses to a different status before deleting the old visit status. In the instance that you would like to do so, please see our Reports Bulk Actions tutorial for further information.

Deleting the Selected Visit Status

Now, please click on the “Delete Item” button in this window to Delete the Visit Status from the system.Step 18.png


If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this tutorial, please contact the GoRev Support Team by phone at (317) 794-3900 or by email at

Note: Always submit an IT Support Ticket detailing the problem that you are experiencing with this portion of GoRev, if possible, as this will give GoRev Support Agents access to information that will help expedite the resolution of your issue. If you are unsure how to submit an IT Support Ticket in GoRev, please see the IT Support Ticket Creation tutorial for assistance.

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