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Guru's Sales Documentation Template: Sales Script

Purpose of this Card

This is a template that you can use to structure your sales documentation for a sales intro / discovery deck. We recommend using this template for each slide (one Card per slide) in your deck so that your reps are equipped with the knowledge they need to have better conversations with prospects. Replace our text with your own and empower your sales reps to hone their storytelling skills on their next intro calls.

Goal of the Slide

What do you want reps to accomplish with this slide? Be specific about the goal for each slide so your reps know what to do with each one.

Tip: If you can't think of a specific goal for each slide in your deck, you may have superfluous slides on your hands. A slide without an apparent purpose has no business taking up time and space on an intro call.

  • Example: Get prospects to self-identify with a challenge your solution solves for.

Talk Track

What are some key points reps should touch on to achieve the goal of the slide? Without writing out a verbose script, give your reps some cues to steer the conversation.

Tip: Confine the talk track to quick bullets for reps to use as jumping off points. Remember, you're here to advise, not dictate!

  • Example: Set an upfront contract. Lay out your plan for the call and make sure the prospect is onboard with that plan.

Questions to Ask

Which questions should your reps ask on a given slide to suss out the prospect's needs? Sales reps should ask 11-14 targeted questions per call, but not all at once. Which ones should they ask on each slide?

Tip: Provide deliberate question options that will help reps steer the conversation and do thoughtful discovery. Open-ended questions only ๐Ÿ™‚.

  • Example: Can you walk me through your current customer journey, from initial contact all the way through to account management?

Customer Stories

Which customer stories should reps tell to reinforce the narrative on a given slide? Earlier in the deck, you may want reps to tell customer stories from life before your solution for prospects to relate to โ€“ i.e., the problem state. Later in the deck, you may want them to tell customer stories from life after your solution for prospects to aspire to โ€“ i.e., the desired state. Give your reps the right customer story options for the right moments.

Tip: It can be helpful to link to the case study or asset that a particular customer story comes from so that reps can easily reference the full story if needed.

  • Example: 100% of Glint's sales reps say Guru makes them more confident in their jobs.


Are there industry trends or experts your reps can cite to back them up? Stats are a great way for reps to build credibility and legitimize their narrative, so give them a few numbers to lean on.

Tip: If possible, try to leverage stats that you know based on your product and customer data so that youโ€™re telling prospects something new.

  • Example: 94% of B2B buyers say they would buy or buy more from a company whose sellers can answer questions in live interactions.


Which slide are reps supposed to be referencing? By providing a screenshot of the corresponding slide, reps can do a quick gut check to make sure they're telling the right story on the right slide.

Tip: Don't forget to update these screenshots in your sales documentation if you make any changes to the visuals in your deck.

  • Example:
    Screen Shot 2019-11-14 at 9.41.30 AM.png

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You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.