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About the Application Switcher in Reporting & Transparency, Dashboard, and Budgeting & Planning

In the left-hand vertical navigation bar on Reporting, Dashboard and B&P pages, we have introduced an application switcher that will allow users to navigate from these to any other OpenGov application they own. This will be especially helpful for CIT and FIN customers, who have been able to link into R&T from those applications but have not yet had a way to navigate back.


The list of available applications under the "Switch Applications" menu are the ones the entity is entitled to per the OpenGov contract. At this point, Open Data is not available in the App Switcher. If you have questions about the applications that appear on this list, please contact OpenGov Support.

Users still need to be provisioned and authenticated within each suite to be able to access application content, and you can login by logging into Budgeting & Planning/Reporting & Transparency, clicking on the needed application in the App Switcher, and then login using the "Log In with OpenGov" button.

Version 1.1

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.