Implementation Project Overview Legend
Implementation Project Overview Portfolio
Project Naming Convention
XX - Customer Name - Description
Ex. AP/IC - Tri-State Forest Products - ICAP/AP Workflow
Ex. EN - Gulfside - Image Forms
Name Prefixes
AP | AP Workflow without ICAP |
AP/IC | AP Workflow with ICAP |
AR | Archive |
ECM | Commerce Document Management |
EN | Enhancement |
TMP | Internal Templates |
AR | Archive |
EF | Elderforms |
EN | Enhancement |
NC | New Healthcare Customer |
NI | New Healthcare Integration |
RD | Redesign |
TMP | Internal Templates |
Icon Legend
Commerce | |
Healthcare | |
Internal Projects |
Icon Color Legend
Blue | On Hold | |
Green | On Track | |
Pink | Live | |
Red | Blocked/Off Track | |
Yellow | At Risk | |
Black | Archived Project |
Project is targeted to meet the projected go live | |
Project may miss the projected go live, an escalation has been created and mitigation steps are in place | |
Project has/will miss the projected go live | |
Project is on hold | |
Project completed, customer is live | |
Archived | Project completed, customer live, transitioned to support, no follow up task are pending |
- Owner - project manager
- Implementation Engineer
- Date - project date range from start to transition
- Project Go Live - go live date decided during kickoff that both WorldView and the customer agreed to
- Implementation Phase
- Vertical - Commerce/Healthcare
- Products
- Vertical Partner
- CSM - Customer Success Manager