ESRI Licensing
July 7, 2023
- How is ArcGIS licensed?
ArcGIS is primarily licensed as a networked shared concurrent use licenses To use the software, you need to be connected to CMT’s network (wired, CMT-Private wi-fi) or via the VPN when remote. CMT has purchased the following licenses to be shared by all.
- How do I view or change the ArcGIS Pro license feature level
- Instructions to change your license feature level with-in ArcGIS Pro from ESRI’s website
- When you change the license feature level this level will remain configured until you change it again.
- How do I decide what feature Level is a good fit for my project need.
- What if a license is not available for the feature level I need to use.
- Ask in the GIS Community of Practice Teams site, then if they don’t get a response, open a ticket at the CMT Help Center where the IT Team can review the current license status and help provide guidance.
- Contact your peers to determine when they will be able to close the software, freeing up a license for others to use.
- Close the ArcGIS software when not in use, allowing the licenses to be available for others.
- Choose a different feature level that has a license available.