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Customer Win Story

Use this template to record an example of a customer win and the behind-the-scenes details of that win! Learn more about this template.



• Tell us more about the customer. What industry are they in? What product do they sell? What problem were they looking to solve?


• What were the customer's technical and business needs?


• What competitors did this customer evaluate? When did they come into/drop off from the process?


• What was this customer's buying process? What was their decision-making process?

Points of Contact

• Who did our team come in contact with on the customer's team?


• What was the size and makeup of the deal?


• Who on our team was involved in this deal?


• What challenges did we encounter during this process? Business challenges? Pricing challenges? Technical challenges?

Lessons Learned

• What did we learn from this process? What do we do well, and what do we need to improve on?

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.