Guru Brand Colors: Hex Codes
Here are our official brand colors. For consistency's sake, please take care to use these exact colors.
#4BE4B4 (flagship brand color*)
#090B0E (black)
#FFFFFF (white)
Gradient Mesh (download PNGs here)
Color usage balance breakdown
Use this chart to understand approximately with which emphasis you should be using our colors in any given scenario — the larger the box, the more prevalent the usage can be. NOTE: We're testing out leaning into darker colors to appeal to the IT buyer.
*More exact color matches for our Guru green
- Pantone Matching System (PMS): 3385 C
- RGB: R75 G228 B180
- CMYK: C-57% M-0% Y-44% K-0%
Need exact color matches for another Guru color? Please DM @becca on Slack!
Please make sure everything you make is screen-accessible. ⚠️
Want to learn more about color accessibility? Check out this card.