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Guru Brand Colors: Hex Codes

Here are our official brand colors. For consistency's sake, please take care to use these exact colors.

Asset 10@2x.png#4BE4B4 (flagship brand color*)
Asset 9@2x.png#86EFCE
Frame 1000002306.png#BBF9C4
Rectangle 6673.png#D9F7E9
Rectangle 75.png#F5FFFB
Rectangle 76.png#36AE89
Rectangle 77.png#21785F
Rectangle 78.png#0C4234
Asset 7@2x.png#090B0E (black)
Frame 1000002293.png#17201D
Frame 1000002294.png#323634
Asset 5@2x.png#CBCBCB
Frame 1000004751.png#F2F2F2
Frame 1000004752.png#F8F8F8
Asset 2@2x.png#FFFFFF (white)
Frame 1000004749.pngGradient Mesh (download PNGs here)
Asset 13@2x.png#A63DF9
Asset 14@2x.png#005DFF
Asset 12@2x.png#FFE066
Asset 11@2x.png#F21969

Color usage balance breakdown

Use this chart to understand approximately with which emphasis you should be using our colors in any given scenario — the larger the box, the more prevalent the usage can be. NOTE: We're testing out leaning into darker colors to appeal to the IT buyer.

Group 1000004427.png

Asset 10@2x.png *More exact color matches for our Guru green

  • Pantone Matching System (PMS): 3385 C
  • RGB: R75 G228 B180
  • CMYK: C-57% M-0% Y-44% K-0%

Need exact color matches for another Guru color? Please DM @becca on Slack!

Please make sure everything you make is screen-accessible. ⚠️

Want to learn more about color accessibility? Check out this card.

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.