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AVIXA Steps to CTS

Register in AVIXA under Level 3 Audiovisual. AVIXA | Register

Once you are registered: You will need to access restricted material for the CTS courses. Please email HR@l3av.com to gain access to a pool of higher-tier licenses to access content.

Quick Start to the AV Industry Online (this is a retired class due to technology changes, but still considered very valuable as a starting point in your learning process.

Quick Start link


The next classes in the ladder towards CTS are the four modules in the Essentials of AV Technology. The modules are listed in the screenshot.

Essentials of AV



AVIXA Recommends the AV Technologist Test before taking the CTS Prep, and there is an AV Math Online course for those who need extra preparation.

AV TECHNOLOGIST https://www.avixa.org/training-section/technologist-certificate



Next step is to take the CTS Prep Online classes. For this class to be free, your membership will need to be moved to Elite, so contact the Operations Administrator to give you Elite status for pursing this class.



Additional / supplemental video list:



CTS handbook link: https://cdn.avixa.org/production/docs/default-source/default-document-library/cert_handbook_cts-avixa_april-2021.pdf?sfvrsn=62dadda7_3

Free sample questions: https://www.avixa.org/training-section/on-demand-training/CTS-Sample-Questions

Access this page for more exam information as well as the exam application and schedulingA: https://www.avixa.org/certification-section/CTS



EXAM APPLICATION LINK: https://store.avixa.org/CPBase__item?id=a13f200000C2eXHAAZ

Level 3 will assist with the fees for your first attempt on the CTS Exam, and with renewals of existing certifications.

Please contact the Operations Administrator for payment assist.

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