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Standard Report Set

This area of our help system will describe our standard GoRev report set. All clients receive this set upon implementation. Additional reports can be requested from GoRev by submitting a ticket within GoRev. Any additional report requests will be placed into your Custom reporting tile within GoRev

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1. The 15 Standard Report Tiles

There are 15 main report tiles within GoRev as shown below. You may also see additional standard tiles added based on your specialty. These include ER Analysis, Hospital Analysis, ASC Analysis, Imaging Analysis, Infusion Clinic, Lab). The screenshot below shows the ER Analysis specialty tile included.

  1. Analysis - (Reports tailored to analyzing your data such as denial code trending, rolling liquidity analysis, waterfall reports, and more)

  2. Billing - (Reports tailored to the billing process such as billing lag, charge master, biller productivity, unbilled, rolling 90 days in AR)

  3. Marketing - (Reports tailored to the marketing module withing GoRev. This module requires use of the marketing worksheet in patient overview at time of registration or discharge)

  4. Patient - (Reports tailored to patient specific details such as master patient lists, patient balances, patient statements)

  5. CIGM - (Reports tailored to the Collaborative Insurance Group Management module in GoRev)

  6. Coding - (Reports tailored to the coding process and coding details such as accounts by ICD10, accounts by DRG, coder productivity)

  7. Physician - (Reports tailored to attending and referring physicians on claims such as total receipts by referring, visit details by attending)

  8. Posting - (Reports tailored to the posting process such as payments and adjustment details, batch listings, poster productivity)

  9. Custom - (Any reports customized for a specific GoRev client)

  10. Registration - (Reports tailored to the registration process such as registration issues such as missing patient address or missing insurance payer, visits by 4 hour time span, new and repeat patient counts)

  11. Revenue Integrity - (Reports tailored to our proprietary revenue integrity system such as CPT Audits. This system will help you spot missing charges due to inaccurate coding)

  12. Financial - (Reports tailored to financial details such as summarized financials by entry date, by batch date, and by date of service)

  13. Interface - (Reports tailored to your custom outbound and inbound interfaces. These reports will help you spot issues and track operation of your interfaces)

  14. Scheduling - (Reports tailored to the scheduling module in GoRev such as scheduled appointments next week, appointments without a visit)

  15. User Access - (Reports tailored to provide you the ability to audit your users permission sets)


The 205 Standard Reports

This will provide a listing of all 205 standard reports within GoRev with a brief description.

Report Name


100 Percent Adjustments

Provides a claim level detail listing of all accounts where all of the charges have been written off.

Account Billing Overview

Provides a claim level listing with financials and key patient billing and claim billing statuses.

Account Details with CIGM

Provides a claim level detail listing of all accounts with financials and CIGM fields.

Accounts by Finclass

Provides a claim level detail listing with financials and primary financial class. (visits marked do not bill removed)

Accounts with CIGM Summary

Provides a summary listing by group number of groups where CIGM data has been documented.

Advertising by Month

Provides summarized totals of data collected in the advertising campaigns worksheet by month.

Advertising by Quarter

Provides summarized totals of data collected in the advertising campaigns worksheet by quarter.

Advertising by Week

Provides summarized totals of data collected in the advertising campaigns worksheet by week.

Advertising Campaigns

A worksheet report driving the Advertising Campaigns worksheet in patient overview. This will provide a listing of all data captured by this worksheet

ADX and PDX Match

Provides a percentage indicating the percent of claims where the admitting diagnosis equals the primary diagnosis.


Provides a summarized count of patients by age group

Aging By DOS

Provides claim level detail listing with financial details and aging group column.

Aging By Finclass (Entry Date)

Aging containing all balances (insurance + patient) grouped by financial class.

Aging By Patient (Finclass) (Entry Date)

Aging containing all balances (insurance + patient) grouped by patient.

Aging By Service Type (Entry Date)

Aging containing all balances (insurance + patient) grouped by service type.


Aging containing all balances (insurance and patient).


Aging restricted to only insurance balances.


Provides an account level detail restricted to patient balances with age group fields.

Audits Rev Integrity

This report drives the Audits Rev Integrity worksheet in patient overview and provides a listing of all data captured by this worksheet

Average Charges And Payments By Carrier and Plan

Provides summary average financials grouped by month of date of service and financial class.

Average Visits by Month

Provides averages based on month of date of service.

AVG Charges And Payments By Finclass

Provides summary average financials grouped by month of date of service and financial class and payer plan

AVG Charges And Payments By Physician

Provides summary average financials grouped by month of date of service and attending physician

AZ State Reporting Issues

Provides an account level listing of potential issues to be reviewed prior to submitting state reporting files to Arizona.

Billing Active Denials

This report shows all active (positive insurance balance) claims with a CAS code in the billing category. These include things like invalid type of bill, timely filing, invalid provider identifier, etc

Billing Lag Detail

Provides one row per claim and gives coding, billing, and filing lag details.

Billing Lag Summary

Provides average time durations (in days) of how long it takes to code, bill, and file claims. Coding = calculated as average days from discharge till account is placed into coding approved Billing = average days from coding approved till claim filed ClaimFiling = average days from discharge till claim is filed

Billing Productivity

Provides a summary by day listing of overall user productivity based on notations entered into GoRev onto patient accounts over the past 180 days.

Billing Productivity Detail

Provides a detail listing of all notations entered with an indicator if files were uploaded.

Billing Productivity Detail User

Provides a detail listing of all notations entered with an indicator if files were uploaded. This report is restricted to ONLY show data for the currently logged in user

Billing Productivity User

Provides a summary by day and by User listing of overall user productivity based on notations entered into GoRev onto patient accounts.

Billing Report by Physician

Provides summarized financials grouped by attending physician and month of date of service.

Billing Report Details By Account

This report is based off the work date and excludes all LBFS visits. It is grouped by Year and Month (visits marked do not bill removed)

Cancelled With Charges

Provides account level listing of all accounts in a do not bill visitstatus with charges > 0. (visits marked do not bill removed)

CAS Summary By YYYY_MM

This report shows a summary count of CAS code claim counts grouped by month of date of service. Useful for exporting to excel and inserting a pivot chart to trend over time via a line graph.

Case Finder

A quick tool to find claims based on specified search criteria such as diagnosis, CPT, Date range, DRG, etc.

Case Finder by Physician

Provides one row per claim and contains top 10 CPT information, claim level financials, key payment dates, followup information, and latest note. Use the bottom right search to further filter results.

Cases By Month By Chief Complaint

Provides an account level listing with chief complaint.

Charge Entry Detail

Provides detail listing of all charges entered along with the actual entry date.

Charge Entry Summary

All charges grouped into the year and month of the date of service

Charge Master

This report displays all current charges and prices within the chargemaster.

Charges by Physician Entry

Provides summarized charges by month of entry date grouped by attending physician.

Charges by Physician Service

provides summarized charges by month of service date grouped by attending physician


Provides a claim level detail listing of all claims filed along with date of filing.

Claims In Batching

A detailed account of all claims that are currently sitting in the claim batching screen.

Clearinghouse Charge Difference

This report will show you any claim where a difference in charges exist between GoRev and your clearinghouse. (visits marked do not bill removed)

Clinical Active Denials

This report shows all active (positive insurance balance) claims with a CAS code in the clinical category. These include things like prescription is not current, services not documented, etc

Coding Active Denials

This report shows all active (positive insurance balance) claims with a CAS code in the coding category. These include things like inconsistent dx/procedure codes, invalid modifier, procedure code invalid at time of service. etc

Coding by Diagnosis Range(ICD10)

Provides a claim level detail listing with diagnosis information along with a diagnosis range field useful for extracting specified ranges of diagnosis codes.

Coding Log

Provides a simple listing of all coding actions performed.

Coding Productivity

Provides a summary of coding actions grouped by user, work date, and action.

Coding Productivity Detail

Provides a claim level detail listing of all coding actions.

CPT Averages By Year

This report displays the charge and quantity totals for a CPT by year

CPT Based Audits

This system applies a proprietary rule set against your actual charges and attempts to identify missing charges. Trigger CPT indicates the CPT that triggered a rule set. RuleDesc contains a description of what charge is potentially missing.

CPT Gross Billing By Month

This report give gross billing data for a CPT by month. This will also ordered by rank of gross charges.

CPT Gross Billing By Year

This report give gross billing data for a CPT by year. This will also ordered by rank of gross charges.

Credit Balances

Provides claim level detail of accounts with a credit insurance or patient balance. Verified/Unverified data comes from financials window in GoRev and is based upon the Credit status button on bottom left.

Demo and CPT Data

Provides one row per claim and contains the top 8 CPT codes with claim level financial details.

Digital Contact Collection

Provides details regarding collection of email, mobile phone, and configuration of marketing consents by user.

Discharge Emails Sent

Listing of all emails sent to patients upon discharge. Note, this requires the patient discharge email system be configured.

Drugs Missing NDC

Provides a detailed listing of charge master items where a CPT code starting with J exists and the revenue code assigned is not 636.

EandM Level Detail

Provides a claim level detail listing with the EVM (evaluation and management) code assigned.

Encounters By Visit Status

Provides a summarized visit count by visitstatus by day.

EPD Interface Monitor

Provides a detailed listing of all interface events for any EPowerDoc interface active for this unit.

Estimated CPT Payments By Carrier

This report generates its results by calculating the total payments received for an account and then cross referencing that against the CPT and CPT quantity. This process is done for all claims and then this is averaged for each carrier. By using this method we are able to gain a relative number that should be close to the payment value of the CPT by carrier.

Excess Charge Reversals

Shows any account where charges were reversed to a state where total charge amount on the claim is < 0.

Facility CMS Model Detail

Use to view individual CPT CMS allowables for a specific account. Use the bottom right search to filter to a single account.

Facility CMS Model Summary

This report models Medicare's OPPS APC, ASP, and Lab fee schedules against actual charges on claims in GoRev. It provides a comparison to your existing cash receipts. An advanced workflow is supported by this report where you can create file upload categories for Appeal I, Appeal II, TDI, PTC I, PTC II, Negotiation, Rejected Negotiation, Pending Negotiation and then this report will track whether or not a file has been uploaded to patient overview in one of the categories.

File Upload Details

Provides one row per file uploaded to accounts. Useful for tracking down a specific file upload or category of files uploaded.

Financial Transaction By Day Entry

Provides summarized financials grouped by day of entry.

Financial Transaction By Month Entry

Provides summarized financials grouped by financial class and month of entry.

Financials by Attending - Service Date

Provides summarized financials by month of service date grouped by attending physician.

Financials By Finclass By DOS

Provides summarized financials by finclass grouped by day of date of service.(visits marked do not bill removed)

Financials By Finclass By Entry

Provides summarized financials by finclass grouped by day of entry (visits marked do not bill removed)

Financials By Finclass By Entry Month

Provides summarized financials by finclass grouped by month of entry.(visits marked do not bill removed)

Financials By Finclass By Month DOS

Provides summarized financials by finclass grouped by month of date of service.(visits marked do not bill removed)

Financials by Service Type - Entry

Provides summarized financials grouped by service type and month of entry date.

Financials by Service Type - Service

Provides summarized financials grouped by service type and month of date of service.


Provides a summarized count of patients by gender

Graph AR By Month

Provides a line graph of balances, last 90 days sum of charges, and days in ar (Rolling 90 formula) trended by month.

HIPAA File Access Log

Provides a detailed listing of all access of any file stored in GoRev within a patient account

HIPAA Patient Access Log

Proved a detailed listing of all access of any patient account in GoRev

Historical Insurance Summary

Provides summarized financials grouped by finclass and month of date of service.

Historical Insurance Summary Percentage

Provides percent of charges calculations grouped by financial class and month of date of service.

Inactive Insurance Coverage

Provides account level listing of all accounts where real time eligibility has been run and has returned an inactive status.

Incorrect Discharge Time

Provides account listing of accounts where discharge time is an erroneous value (visits marked do not bill removed).

Institutional CDM CMS Comparison

This report models Medicare's current year or quarter OPPS APC, ASP, and Lab fee schedules against your current charge master prices.

Insurance Audit

Provides a detailed account listing of all accounts where at least one visit has an insurance payer assigned AND at least one visit does not.

Itemized Transactions

This report contains all facility itemized posting transaction information

Itemized Transactions And Charges

Provides one row per individual charge or posting (payment/adjustment/copay/coins/copay) entry.

Master Billing Denials

This report shows all claims with a CAS code in the billing category. These include things like invalid type of bill, timely filing, invalid provider identifier, etc

Master CAS Code List

This report shows all claims with a CAS code assigned to them

Master Claims Analysis

Returns one row per claim with key fields such as date claim filed, followup status, payer information, denial code information, all of which is useful to audit your complete aging.

Master Clinical Denials

This report shows all claims with a CAS code in the clinical category. These include things like prescription is not current, services not documented, etc

Master Coding Denials

This report shows all claims with a CAS code in the coding category. These include things like inconsistent dx/procedure codes, invalid modifier, procedure code invalid at time of service. etc

Master Posting Denials

This report shows all claims with a CAS code in the posting category. These include things like Interest payments, HSA payments, Capitation adjustments, etc

Master Registration Denials

This report shows all claims with a CAS code in the registration category. These include things like patient has no coverage, coverage termed, patient cannot be identified, etc

Material Use by Month

Provides a detail listing of all charged items with a revenue code of 250 (general pharmacy), 270 (non sterile supplies), 272 (sterile supplies), or 636 (detail drug codes) grouped by month of date of entry.

Material Use by Week

Provides a detail listing of all charged items with a revenue code of 250 (general pharmacy), 270 (non sterile supplies), 272 (sterile supplies), or 636 (detail drug codes) grouped by week of date of entry.

Material Use Financials by Month

Provides a detail listing of all charged items with a revenue code of 250 (general pharmacy), 270 (non sterile supplies), 272 (sterile supplies), or 636 (detail drug codes) grouped by month of date of entry.

Material Use Financials by Week

Provides a detail listing of all charged items with a revenue code of 250 (general pharmacy), 270 (non sterile supplies), 272 (sterile supplies), or 636 (detail drug codes) grouped by week of date of entry.

Medication Log

Provides a detailed charge listing of all charged items with a revenue code 250(general pharmacy) or revenue code 636 (detailed drug codes).

Missing CIGM Summary

Provides a summary listing by group number where no CIGM data has been obtained. The most recent account holding the same group number is provided for ease. Users can click into overview, obtain CIGM information, and populate it.

Missing Group Number Detail

Provides a claim level detail listing where no group number was obtained.

Monthly Financials By Carrier

Provides summarized financials by financial class grouped by month of entry.

Monthly Financials By Entry Date

Provides summarized financials grouped by month of entry.

Monthly Visit Count By Four Hour TimeSpan

Get a monthly overview of the number of visits within a given time span.

Negative Payments

A detailed listing of accounts where total payments are less than zero.

New and Repeat Patient Counts

Provides a graphed trend of new vs repeat patient counts by month.

Occupation Details

Provides detailed patient listing with occupation details

OR Case Analysis

Provides an account level listing of all accounts with columns indicating if a CPT exists in each category of charges.

Patient Balances

Provides an account listing of all accounts with patient balance.

Patient Birthdays

A listing of all patients with their birthdays.

Patient Count By Employer (Company)

Provides a summarized count of patients by employer

Patient Count By Occupation

Provides a summarized count of patients by occupation

Patient Email Information

A patient data export containing patient email address.

Patient Payment Analysis by DOS

Provides summarized patient payment and balance financials grouped by month of date of service.

Patient Payments By Month

Patient Payments Trended by Month

Patient Roster

Provides a master patient listing with basic contact information.

Patient Statements by Cycle

Provides an account level listing of accounts with approved patient statements.

Patient Statements Needing Review

Provides a detail listing of all accounts where a patient balance exists and a statement has not been approved.

Patient Transfer List

Provides a list of patient visits where visit status contains the word Transfer.

Patients By DOS

Provides a detailed patient account listing with demographics.


Aging restricted to patient balances where no insurance balance exists on a claim.

Payer Mix Charges by Entry

Provides Total charges by month of entry date along with a column for each financial class and the actual charges each financial class makes up for the period.

Payer Mix Charges by Service Date

Provides Total payments by month of service date along with a column for each financial class and the actual charges each financial class makes up for the period.

Payer Mix Charges Perc by Entry

Provides Total charges by month of entry date along with a column for each financial class and the corresponding percentage of charges each financial class makes up for the period.

Payer Mix Charges Perc by Entry

Provides Total charges by month of service date along with a column for each financial class and the corresponding percentage of charges each financial class makes up for the period.

Payer Mix Payments by Entry

Provides Total payments by month of entry date along with a column for each financial class and the actual payments each financial class makes up for the period.

Payer Mix Payments by Service Date

Provides Total payments by month of service date along with a column for each financial class and the actual payments each financial class makes up for the period.

Payer Mix Payments Perc by Entry

Provides Total payments by month of entry date along with a column for each financial class and the corresponding percentage of payments each financial class makes up for the period.

Payer Mix Payments Perc by Service

Provides Total payments by month of service date along with a column for each financial class and the corresponding percentage of payments each financial class makes up for the period.

Payment Adjustment Detail

Provides a transaction level detail set of data. Can be filtered by entry, transaction and batch date

Payment Details by Account

Provides a detailed transaction listing by account number or MRN. You must use a filter, ALL does not return results in this report.

Payments by Attending Entry Detail

Provides total payments received by claim with attending physician and batch date.

Payments by Attending Entry Month

Provides total payments received grouped by attending physician and batch date.

Payments by Referring Entry Month

Provides total payments received grouped by referring physician and batch date.

Payments by Referring Physician (Detail)

Provides total payments received by claim with referring physician and batch date.

Payments by Week

Provides total payments grouped by week of batch date.

Payments Within The Month Of Charge

This will show all payment information for the primary within the month the charge was entered.

Pending Medical Records

Provides the same listing as can be found in the coding module within the Pending Medical Records bucket

Physician Diagnosis

Provides a claim level detail listing with attending physician and diagnosis.

Physician Documentation Deficiencies

Shows all claims placed into Deficient Medical Records at any time in the claim's life cycle.

Possible Implant Issues

Provides a detailed listing of charge master items where the description indicates it is likely an implant but revenue code assigned does not indicate implant.

Posting Active Denials

This report shows all active (positive insurance balance) claims with a CAS code in the posting category. These include things like Interest payments, HSA payments, Capitation adjustments, etc

Posting Batch Detail

Provides a listing of all batches with summarized financials by batch.

Posting by Day

Provides summarized posting financials grouped by batchdate.

Posting by Month

This report shows the number of cases posted by month by carrier

Posting Productivity

Provides summarized list of posting actions grouped by user and date of entry.

Posting Productivity (Detail)

Provides detailed listing of posting entries.

Price Increase Detail

Provides a detail listing of all charge master items that have had price increases

Price Increase History

Provides summary level details regarding charge master price increase changes along with average increases.

Professional CDM CMS Comparison

This report models Medicare's current year or quarter RVU fee schedule against your current charge master prices. You will need to determine if facility or non-facility rates are applicable based on location of service provided.

Referral Slips Completion Rate

Provides fields for you to analyze when referral slips were completed and trending completion rates.

Referral Slips Not Completed

Provides a listing of all referral slips that were not populated during registration

Referral Source Count By Month

Provides a summary count of visits by referral source grouped by month of date of service.

Referral Source Details By Month

Provides account level listing with referral source (visits marked do not bill removed).

Referring Physician By Location

Provides a total visit count grouped by referring physician, location, and month of date of service.

Referring Physician By Service Type

Provides total visit count by referring physician and service type grouped by month of date of service.

Referring Physician By Service Type And Location

Provides total visit count by referring physician, service type, and Location grouped by month of date of service.

Referring Physician Count By Month

Provides total visit count of referred visits by referring physician grouped by month of service.

Registration Active Denials

This report shows all active (positive insurance balance) claims with a CAS code in the registration category. These include things like patient has no coverage, coverage termed, patient cannot be identified, etc

Registration Issues

Provides an account level listing of all accounts with columns indicating status of various registration steps (visits marked do not bill removed).

Revenue Code Based Audits

This system applies a proprietary rule set against your actual charges and attempts to identify missing charges. Trigger Revenue Code indicates the Revenue Code that triggered a rule set. RuleDesc contains a description of what charge is potentially missing.

Rolling 90 Days In AR

Provides a rolling 90 days in AR calculation by finclass by day.

Rolling Liquidity Analysis

Provides financials grouped by month of date of service. #Adjudicated = balance satisfied / charges, %CMOS indicates = % charges paid, %RollingLiquidity = average % charges paid over prior 4 months, Est$Remaining = Estimated $ still collectable, DiminishingReturn = a percentage to use when calculating the reduction in estimated$remaining (this reduces as accounts age), EstDiminished$ = Estimated $ collectible utilizing diminished return values.

Schedule Overview

Provides a detailed appointment listing.

Scheduled Appointments Current Month

Provides appointment level details of all appointments occurring during current month.

Scheduled Appointments Current Week

Provides appointment level details of all appointments occurring during current week.

Scheduled Appointments Next Month

Provides appointment level details of all appointments occurring over the next month.

Scheduled Appointments Next Week

Provides appointment level details of all appointments occurring over the next week.

Security Group Permissions

Provides a detailed listing of each security group's permissions.

Statement Approvals By Day

A daily breakdown of the number of statement approvals by employee by day

Status Of Employment

Provides a summarized data listing of employment status by type of employment

Takebacks Detail

This report displays all payments from insurance carriers where the total amount for a single claim on a single check is a negative value. This should capture all recoups.

Timely Filing Deadline

You must configure the timely filing field in Carriers in order for this report to present results. This report will show all accounts that are within 7 days of timely filing and have not had a claim drop.(visits marked do not bill removed)

Top 10 CPT Codes By Month

This report will rank the top 10 CPTs for the month based on charge amount.

Top 10 CPT Codes By Year

This report will rank the top 10 CPTs for the year based on charge amount.

TX State Reporting Issues

Provides an account level listing of potential issues to be reviewed prior to submitting state reporting files to Texas THCIC.


Provides a claim level detail listing of all primary payer claims with positive balance that have not been filed. It excludes all Cash Pay and Self Pay financial classes.

Unbilled Secondary Claims

Provides a claim level detail listing of all claims where primary payer has adjudicated and no secondary claim has been filed.

Unmatched Claims Report

This report shows all claims where a carrier is not assigned. This is likely due to no plan being setup prior to use of the plan on the encounter. Create the plan in Configuration and the system will auto assign the carrier.

Unreconciled Appointments

This report shows all appointments on the schedule with a date of service prior to today that have NOT been checked out and are also not marked as either no show or cancelled. In order to resolve items on this list you will need to either check out, mark as no show, or mark as cancelled.

Unreconciled Appointments Count

Provides summarized count of appointments that have not had visits created or have been marked cancelled or no show.

User Access - Disabled Users

Provides a user listing of all disabled users.

User Access By Facility

Provides a detailed security group listing by user by facility.

User Access By User

Provides detailed security group listing for each user.

User Notations

This report can be used to export all notes a user enters into the GoRev system. Export to an excel pivot table and you can easily analyze the performance of any registrar or biller.

Users Without Locations

Provides listing of users where no location has been assigned.

Visit Count

Provides total visit count all time for visits not in a do not bill status.

Visit Count By Four Hour TimeSpan

By selecting the specific month you are inquiring about this report will allow you to see the visit count by time span by day for that month.

Visit Count By Four Hour TimeSpan

Provides summarized visit count by 4 hour time span grouped by date of service.

Visit Count By Month

Provides a summarized visit count by month of date of service for all visits not marked do not bill.

Visit Count by Service Type

Provides summarized visit count by year and service type (visits with do not bill status removed).

Visit Count by Zip Code

Provides a summary visit count by year and by zip code.(visits marked do not bill removed)

Visit Duration By pDX By Month

Provides an account level listing with primary diagnosis and duration of visit.

Visit Status Count

Provides a visit count by visitstatus by day.

Visits and Revenue by Service Type EntryDate

Provides summarized financials by service type grouped by month of entry.

Visits and Revenue by ServiceType - ServiceDate

Provides summarized financials by service type grouped by month of date of service.

Visits Without Email

A listing of all visits where no email was captured

Visits Without Email by Week

Provides an account level listing of all accounts where no email was obtained.

Waterfall Analysis

Provides total charges by month of date of service and payments received on said charges over the subsequent months. Useful to monitor speed of cash received and to spot slow to adjudicate months.

Weekly Claim Drops

Provides a summary of primary payer charges filed by week.

Yearly Billing Details by Account

Provides claim level financial details. This report contains an automated tier system that will let you view just a single year at a time.

Yearly Billing Details by MRN

Provides claim level financial details. This report contains an automated tier system that will let you view just a single year at a time.

Yearly Visit Count By Four Hour TimeSpan

Provides a summarized visit count by 4 hour timespan grouped by year.

Zip Codes

Provides a summarized number of visits by zip code

2. The Standard Reporting Permissions

A new standardized set of permissions exists for all reporting tiles. To grant a user access to a specific tile you simply add “Reports” + “TileName” permission to the user. The user shown below has been granted access to all reporting tiles individually.


If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this tutorial, please contact the GoRev Support Team by phone at (317) 794-3900 or by email at

Note: Always submit an IT Support Ticket detailing the problem that you are experiencing with this portion of GoRev, if possible, as this will give GoRev Support Agents access to information that will help expedite the resolution of your issue. If you are unsure how to submit an IT Support Ticket in GoRev, please see the IT Support Ticket Creation tutorial for assistance.

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You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.