Quarterly Comptroller Report
This document is designed to walk you through generating the State Quarterly Report from the court system to use to complete the Texas Comptroller report showing the collected court costs and fees for the selected quarter. This report will calculate the costs and fees collected based on the settings in the Accounts set up (System – Customize – Accounts).
Clerk will need access to the Quarterly Report menu option.
From the court main menu select Reports – Quarterly – Quarterly Comptroller.
Select the Report Quarter you are reporting
- First = January – March
- Second = April – June
- Third = July – September
- Forth = October - December
Select the Report Year.
Select all boxes that apply if not already selected.
Note: You will only need to check the applicable reductions once before building the report. The setting will default
unless they are changed, and the report is run with different boxes checked. Refer to the State Quarterly
Report Instructions or the Texas Municipal Court Education Center Clerk Guide Level I for explanations on
each cost to determine which apply to the way the specific cost is set up in your system.
Select Build.
The amounts collected for the specified quarter will populate on the screen.
Select Print to generate the report.
Select the Printer icon to print the report or save the report to a file.
How to Use the Report
If you are not filing the report electronically at the Texas Comptrollers website:
- Amounts for Lines 1 - 7 listed are to be entered in Column 1-Total Collected of the State Report.
- Amounts for Lines 8 - 13 listed are to be entered in Column 3-Amount Due State of the State Report.
- Amounts for Column 2-Service Fee will have to be manually calculated for lines 1 - 7.
- Amounts for Column 3-Amount Due State will have to be manual calculated for Lines 1-7.
If you are filing the report electronically at the Texas Comptrollers website:
- Log in to your Comptroller account.
- Enter the numbers from the report in the corresponding fields on the website.
- The website will calculate the Service Fee and Amount Due for the applicable costs.
- Once you have submitted the report the website will provide you with a “filed” report for your records.
Q: The numbers on the report don’t match what Finance shows the court collected?
A: Check your cost amounts and Comptroller settings in the Accounts page.