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Updates to the LastPass In-App Importer

In response to feedback we have received from customers our team has implemented some changes to the In-App Importer for LastPass that affects how we prevent duplication of shared vaults in 1Password.

Our original solution to prevent duplication of folders when migrating data from LastPass was to create a lock item in LastPass after running the Importer tool. If another user with access to the same folders in LastPass was to re-run the importer any folders with this item would be skipped over, preventing the creation of duplicate vaults in 1Password.

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As of version (8.10.12) the importer tool no longer created this lock item in LastPass and instead a vault titled ❗️ LastPass Imported Shared Folders Metadata was created in 1Password after a successful import. This vault contained the metadata for the already migrated folders and prevented another admin from being able to re-import the same folders and creating duplicates.

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However, due to feedback that we have received from customers we have decided to revert back to creating lock items in LastPass as our method of preventing duplicated vaults as of 1Password Version 8.10.16. For customers who are currently in the process of migrating data over from LastPass this will affect the behaviour of this tool and the following points should be considered:

  • Migrations started under the current system, which have not yet concluded, may result in all shared folders being duplicated again. To control how duplicates are avoided and prevent changes in the middle of their rollout, teams may wish to use deployment packages to control which version of 1Password is installed.
  • For accounts that have duplicated vaults after migrating information from LastPass we have a script available on our public Solutions Architect Github page that can be run via the 1Password CLI to remove these in bulk.
  • Once the new change is live, customers will need to remove lock items in LastPass if they wish to import a folder again. A script is available to mass remove lock items from LastPass, should a customer wish to import a folder again.

The ❗️ LastPass Imported Shared Folders Metadata vault still plays an important role in the migration process and when you first run the importer you will see this created in your account. This vault contains information that the in-app importer uses to prevent duplicates and to update vault access for users and groups in 1Password based on folder permissions from LastPass. This vault should not be deleted at any point while you are still migrating data over from LastPass. The Team Members group which includes all users in 1Password must retain access to this vault during the migration. The most restrictive set of privileges that can be enabled for the vault are shown here:

For those that created their account after March 19, 2024, the metadata vault will be hidden from all users except owners. The functionally of the metadata vault does not change with this, it is only effecting who can see the metadata vault.

Only once the migration from LastPass has been fully completed should this vault be removed.

If at any point shared folders need to be re-imported into 1Password after the initial migration has been performed then the lock item would need to be removed in LastPass. This can be done manually by finding the item in LastPass and deleting it from the folder.

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Alternatively, if you are looking to remove the lock items from all folders in LastPass this can be accomplished using the CLI. The following script will move all lock items into a new folder called 1password-locks. They can remove this folder themselves from the UI once they check that the folder contains only 1password import lock items.

lpass ls | grep '1Password import lock' | sed -r 's/.*\[id: ([0-9]*)\]/\1/' | xargs -I {} lpass mv {} 1password-locks

If you encounter any issues with the importer tool we recommend contacting our support team for further assistance.

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