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This is a basic Guide for the Authorization Screen within the Patient Overview Section. Used to document pre authorizations from the insurance companies. Mostly needed for imaging, surgery, physical therapy and planned inpatient stays.

The authorization module is most commonly used to track authorizations for individual services such as imaging, track the number of authorized days for case management in inpatient services, and to track the number of visits authorized by insurance for services such as physical therapy and more.

1: Location of the Authorization

The Authorization screen is located within the Patient Overview page on the top Ribbon.image.png

2: New Authorizations

To create a New Authorization, click the "New" button on the top right. image.png

This will open the New Authorization window. This is the screen you will enter all of the information you received from the insurance provider about the Authorization.image.png

Carrier Name is a free text box incase you need to get prior authorization from a carrier that is not the Primary.

Waiting for Authorization check box will be used if a Authorization Number is not available or provided at time of call with the Insurance Provider.

Expiration Date is the day that the Authorization expires

Visits Authorized is typically used for Physical Therapy

Days Authorized is typically used for Inpatients to document the start day and the total number of approved days for the Inpatient stay.

Effective Date Range is used for the date range that the Authorization is active for.

3: Link Selected, Dismiss and Edit

Linked Selected allows you to link the newly created Authorization to the dates of service on the patients account. You must link the newly created Authorization to the date of service before the information will populate on the claim. You can link multiple dates of service to a since Authorization.


NOTE: If linked in error the Unlink Authorization button can be used to reverse this.


Dismiss will will hide the Authorization and remove it from the patients claim. This will be used if an Authorization is created in error.

Edit will be how you will make changes to existing Authorizations

4: Authorization Report

The Authorization reports are located within the Registration section of reports. This is where you can track Authorization and review expired Authorizations


Additional Information

Once the Authorization is linked to the date of service you will see the Authorization information populate within field 23 on the CMS1500 and field 63 on the UB04

Note: If you add the Authorization number to the Authorization field on the Patient Overview within the insurance section, this will also add the Authorization number to the claims forms but this will not populate on the Authorization Management Reports.


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Note: Always submit an IT Support Ticket detailing the problem that you are experiencing with this portion of GoRev, if possible, as this will give GoRev Support Agents access to information that will help expedite the resolution of your issue. If you are unsure how to submit an IT Support Ticket in GoRev, please see the IT Support Ticket Creation tutorial for assistance.

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.