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Storing Course Marks for Sr. High Students

This procedure uses the AB Reports Package Plugin and will help to Prepare, Import and Approve Grades.
*Note: If the student has been withdrawn from the course or has left your school, scroll down to the bottom for instructions (RED).


  1. Navigate to the Alberta Reports Package: From the Start page > Data and Reporting > Reports > ABReports.
  2. Hover over the Historical Grades menu and select Preparing Stored Grades.
  3. Set the filters to search for your courses:
    1. GB Report Term = the Term your grades are in.
    2. Store Code = the Term your grades are in.
    3. Section Term 1 = the Term your grades are in.
    4. Course Type = set to your preference.
    5. Grade = set to your preference.
  4. Click Retrieve Courses. A list of all matching courses will be displayed.
    1. Select either the individual course title to prepare grades for only that class -OR- select a teacher's name to prepare all of their classes grades. A new tab will open with the selected option.
  5. Mass Fill the ABE Field columns using the Smart Fill button at the top right side.
    Review all field entries to ensure the fields were filled in correctly:
    1. Any students with zeros should be change to Comp. Status of WDR for Core courses, and either WDR or INC for CTS courses.
    2. Any students with failing grades need to be confirmed that the funding will be Y or N. If over 50% of course work was completed then set to Y. If less than 50%, then set to N.
    3. If your school has a policy to avoid certain grade values (i.e., 49%, 79%, etc.) which appear in the table, have the teacher change the grade in PowerTeacher Pro.
  6. Ensure the Exit Date column of the course section is accurate and reflects the last day of the term for each student (if you need to make changes, copy/paste can be used).
  7. Once the fields are all filled in and correct, click Submit Changes at the bottom of the page. All lines should now be green.
  8. Go back to the browser tab with the original courses list and continue on to the next course or teacher.
  9. This step can be performed section by section as teachers finalize marks, or as a larger group of sections that are ready:
    Once the intended class sections are ready to be stored, Right-Click on the Download Import File and select "Save link as" to save the file to your computer. It is recommended to maintain an organized specific folder for these files. Recommended naming convention of the file:
    1. If section by section: SCM Course_Teacher_DateStored
    2. If as a larger group of sections: SCM Term_DateStored
      (Hint: "SCM" means "School Course Marks")


  1. Navigate to the Quick Imports page: From the Start page > Data and Reporting > Imports > Quick Import.
  2. Set the following parameters:
    1. Set the Table field to Historical Grades.
    2. Change Character Set to Windows ANSI.
    3. Choose the SCM File you just saved above.
  3. Click the Import button.
    1. You will see a list of all of the column headers/line items to be matched. A good check is to ensure that all PowerSchool fields match the column header list.
    2. Scroll down and check the box that says Check to exclude first row.
    3. Leave all other fields set to the default (don't make any other changes).
  4. Click Submit.
    1. This page will show you all students for whom you are about to import to historical grades. It is strongly recommended to SAVE A COPY OF THIS PAGE for your records.


  1. Navigate to the Marks Approval page: From the Start page > Applications > Alberta PASI SCM Functions section > Course/Evaluated Marks Approval.
  2. Set the fields accordingly:
    1. Item = Course Enrolments.
    2. Mark Approval = Unapproved.
    3. Diploma = leave blank unless you are only approving one or the other.
  3. Click Get Results.
  4. Click on Approve to change them all to Approved.
  5. Click Submit
    1. All marks will change to Pending Approval. You may wish to mark the saved copy from the previous stage as "Approved" just for your own tracking (unless you have your own way of tracking your progress).


  1. Withdraw the student from the course using the current date in Modify Schedule.
  2. Go to Course Registrations and edit the course to change the funding flag to Y and the status to Completed.
  3. Go to Historical Course Grades for the student and enter a single new entry for this course:
    1. School year = 2021 for the 2021-2022 school year.
    2. Store Code = the current reporting term or the term the course was taken (R1, R2, R3, or R4).
    3. Course Number = FIN1015 (you'll see the course show up in a window, select if from this window).
    4. Grade = percent earned.
    5. Percent = percent earned (same).
    6. Earned credit hours = # of credits for the course.
    7. Mark Assignment Date = current date.
  4. Go to Applications > Alberta PASI SCM Functions section > Course/Evaluated Marks Approval.
  5. Set the fields accordingly:
    1. Item = Course Enrolments
    2. Mark Approval = Unapproved
    3. Diploma = leave blank unless you are only approving one or the other
  6. Click Get Results.
    1. You should see the current course you just entered into historical grades.
  7. Click Approve.
  8. Click Submit.
    1. The course completion will now show on the students DAR.

*NOTE: If there are no courses showing her to be approved, you may need to go back to Course Registrations and Force Sync the courses you just added, and then go back to Course/Evaluated Marks Approval and approve them.

*NOTE: There MAY be times that the approval does not sync with PASI as well. In those cases you may need to wait for the overnight sync. If that doesn't work you may need to go into PASI Prep and manually approve them.

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